Unable to upload data onto Xively with a update interval of 1 minute.

I am using an Ethernet shield(official arduino ethernet sheild)+Arduino UNO to connect to Xively to upload sensor data. I am using the default example provided in the Arduino IDE ( 1.5.7) .
The program works fine when the update interval is less than 30 seconds . If the update interval is set greater than 30 seconds the program Hangs.
Is the 30 second, a limitation with the ethernet sheild ? Is there a work around in terms of modification of code without modifying the libraries ?

If the update interval is set greater than 30 seconds the program Hangs.

Hangs where?

Is the 30 second, a limitation with the ethernet sheild ?


Is there a work around in terms of modification of code without modifying the libraries ?

Almost certainly.

Hi Paul
The program seems to hang after the first attempt to contact the server is made. My guess is that the Client.stop() is what is causing the issue by not closing the socket correctly. What might be the possible work around ?

What might be the possible work around ?

Write the code correctly.

If you need help, post the code!