I am new to arduino, i am trying to upload a sketch and getting following error.
open nul: the system cannot find the file specified.
error compiling for board arduino/genuino uno.
OS: Windows 10
Arduino Ide : 1.8.5
Please help
I am new to arduino, i am trying to upload a sketch and getting following error.
open nul: the system cannot find the file specified.
error compiling for board arduino/genuino uno.
OS: Windows 10
Arduino Ide : 1.8.5
Please help
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CREATE editor install locations.
Performing the above actions may help resolve your problem without further help.
Language problem ?
Try a language closer to your native language:
Thanks to all those who helped and added to this list.
Also make sure you are not using a USB 3.0 port and that you have selected the correct COM port as listed in windows device manager for the board (you failed to mention type).
I have some problem while uploading arduinoisp to new atmega328P-PU it shows invalid library and bootloader while click this message shows...
avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
Error while burning bootloader.
If you want, try out this post, Error conpiling to Arduino Uno-SOLVED!
Hi... I am also new to Arduino and I can't seem to upload a sketch. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Arduino: 1.6.11 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Intel® Edison"
Sketch uses 76,331 bytes (0%) of program storage space. Maximum is 10,000,000 bytes.
C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/x86/bin/bash.exe --verbose --noprofile C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/clupload/cluploadEdison_win.sh C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/x86/bin C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Temp\build08e4957f02c018eb579e11ddc64f9701.tmp/Blink.ino.elf COM5
echo "starting download script"
echo "Args to shell:" $*
#path contains \ need to change all to /
#COM ports are not always setup to be addressed via COM for redirect.
#/dev/ttySx are present. Howwever, COMy -> /dev/ttySx where x = y - 1
echo "COM PORT" $com_port_id
echo "Converted COM Port" $com_port_arg "to tty port" $tty_port_id
echo "Sending Command String to move to download if not already in download mode"
echo "~sketch downloadEdison" > $tty_port_id
starting download script
Args to shell: C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/x86/bin C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Temp\build08e4957f02c018eb579e11ddc64f9701.tmp/Blink.ino.elf COM5
Converted COM Port COM5 to tty port /dev/ttyS4
Sending Command String to move to download if not already in download mode
C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/clupload/cluploadEdison_win.sh: line 42: /dev/ttyS4: Permission denied
Deleting existing sketch on target
#Move the existing sketch on target.
echo "Deleting existing sketch on target"
"$fixed_path/lsz.exe" --escape -c "mv -f /sketch/sketch.elf /sketch/sketch.elf.old" <> $tty_port_id 1>&0
C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/clupload/cluploadEdison_win.sh: line 46: /dev/ttyS4: Permission denied
#Download the file.
"$fixed_path/lsz.exe" --escape --binary --overwrite $host_file_name <> $tty_port_id 1>&0
C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/clupload/cluploadEdison_win.sh: line 51: /dev/ttyS4: Permission denied
#mv the downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf
Moving downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf on target
echo "Moving downloaded file to /sketch/sketch.elf on target"
"$fixed_path/lsz.exe" --escape -c "mv $target_download_name /sketch/sketch.elf; chmod +x /sketch/sketch.elf" <> $tty_port_id 1>&0
C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\Intel\tools\sketchUploader\1.6.2+1.0/clupload/cluploadEdison_win.sh: line 56: /dev/ttyS4: Permission denied
An error occurred while uploading the sketch
This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
Are you certain your Edison board is on COM5?
Try this:
If the COM5 port is correct, try restarting your computer. Sometimes COM ports can get stuck and cause this sort of problem.