Unable to upload to ATTiny 85 / It this a BUG or a settings problem

I tried to programma an ATtiny85 with an Arduino Uno/Nano (tried both) as programmer (Arduino as ISP). If press the compiling symbol, compiling code was ok. If pressed the upload symbol the compiling was fine but the upload stopped with the error "A programmer is required to upload"
I tried all the "programmers", my UNO and Nano, double checked the ATTiny on stand alone programmer. Spend hours of testing and trying things.
Finally if on the toolbar "Sketch" is selected followed by "Upload using programmer" everything worked as a charm.
What is the difference between the Upload symbol (are there settings needed) and the "Upload using programmer" in the menu?

The upload "symbol" does an upload via USB to boards that have a serial-to-USB converter or native USB; examples are Uno/Nano/Leonardo. Note that the ttl-to-usb converter is not the same as a programmer; the programmer in that case is the bootloader on the main chip.

"Upload using programmer" programs over the ICSP interface and requires a programmer (as the name implies) and you need to select a programmer.

You can click the upload "symbol" while keeping the SHIFT key pressed to do an "Upload using programmer".

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You may follow the procedures of the attached file to program your ATtiiny85 using Arduino as ISP Programmer.
ProgrammingATtiny85.pdf (242.4 KB)

Too bad this isn't documented a bit more clearly or that if you want to use another programmer there is a dropdown box just like the selection for the "board". Hopefully others will find it useful. Then my frustration won't have been in vain. Flemish or Dutch?


Bedankt man voor de uitleg !! Vl