I'm using IDE 1.6.12 on a PC running Windows 10
Each time I try to verify or upload a sketch which contains "#include <Timer1.h>" I get the following error message:
"C:UsersAlan.Alan-PCDocumentsArduinoMk2_bothDisplays_4.inoMk2_bothDisplays_4.ino.ino:58:20: fatal error: Timer1.h: No such file or directory
#include <Timer1.h>
** ^**
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Mini."
My PC library entry is the following
"In This PC/Acer(C:)/Program Files (x86)/Arduino/libraries/TimerOne
_MAXOSX Filefolder
examples Filefolder
keywords Text Document
TimerOne.cpp CPP File
TimerOne H File"
TimerOne was downloaded as a zip file and expanded and coped in to the folder TimerOne.
I have tried reinstalling the IDE, re-downloading the library all without success.
A few weeks ago I was able to verify sketches which contained Timer1.h but now it doesn't work anymore.
Please help.