understand MPU6050 pins?

Hello everyone.
i would like to have some help from you about MPU6050 3Dof pins,I connected the sensor as following

sensor - arduino
SCL - A5 (analog pin)
SDA - A4 (analog pin)
vcc - 5v (external source power)
gnd - gnd

according to the mentioned connection, everything is right and i am able to get rotation in degrees using MPU6050 library , My question is it necessary to connect the INT pin of the sensor to the Arduino?

i am using the following code

#include <MPU6050_tockn.h>
#include <Wire.h>
MPU6050 mpu6050(Wire);
void setup() {
void loop()

is it necessary to connect the INT pin of the sensor to the Arduino?

No, it is not necessary. The INT (interrupt) pin is only necessary if the processor needs to sense an interrupt from the IMU. Interrupts can be generated by many conditions. See the data sheet for details.