I am interested in learning how microcontrollers load bitmap and other images onto an LCD tft. I know there are libraries that have the coding already done and I have tried to follow the code, but I am struggling to understand the whole process of how data gets converted from a bmp or jpeg or raw file into pixels on the screen.Are there any tutorials that someone can point me to that explain how this process works and what the coding actually does? I have tried google searches and searches on the arduino forum , but invariably I get links to articles one how to use the libraries to upload images.I want to try to understand how this process works.Thanks in advance
What TFT do you want to use in your project?
I have the 1.8" Color TFT LCD display with MicroSD Card Breakout - ST7735R
PRODUCT ID: 358. I have looked at the example spitfitbmp sketch and I am trying to figure out how it works.How are bitmpas decoded and turned into pixels on the screen is what I am trying to figure out.
God gave you Wikipedia.
It describes different image formats e.g. .BMP, .JPG, .PNG, .GIF, ...
These consist of a descriptive header followed by an encoded bitmap.
It probably does not describe the RAW pixel style of image as used by drawRGBBitmap() from Adafruit_GFX
There is no header, no encoding. Just a sequence of uint16_t pixels.
Arduino Uno can only manage uncompressed formats like .BMP (or RAW pixels)
The formats with compressed data require more SRAM and cpu grunt than a Uno.
Seriously, Wikipedia articles are well written. You can study them at your own speed.
A Forum member will never match the clarity of a professionally written Wiki article.
And most "textbooks" are just plain textual diarrohea.
Thanks.I found a good article.I think I have enough information now to underatand how the adafruit graphics works. Here is a link to the article if anyone is interested