Hello arduino community. I'm trying to take my LED matrix to the next level and make it scroll. the only problem is that i still don't fully understand the timing piece of the code that allows the letters to be displayed statically. In the timing piece of the code a while loop runs like so: while ((start+letdelay)>millis()); where start was defined as millis() and letdelay is a global variable of any number i give it for delay. wouldn't start+letdelay always be greater than millis()? I have no idea why this works, any help would be appreciated. I have posted this question a few times a couple months ago but never received a straight up answer that was understandable.
The specific function that contains the while loop is in the void show function
/* Hopefully the last LED matrix code I ever make
BY: Chris Yambo
int CPR = 8; // clock pin row
int DPR = 10; // data pin row
int CPC = 11; // clock pin column
int DPC = 12; // data pin column
int LP = 9; // combined the latch pins so theres only one
byte RA[] = {B10000000, B01000000, B00100000, B00010000, B00001000,}; // way to address rows individually
byte letters[27][5] = {
{B10001000, B10001000, B11111000, B10001000, B11111000}, // A 0
{B11111000, B10001000, B11110000, B10001000, B11111000}, // B 1
{B11111000, B10001000, B10000000, B10001000, B11111000}, // C 2
{B11110000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000, B11110000}, // D 3
{B11111000, B10000000, B11110000, B10000000, B11111000}, // E 4
{B10000000, B10000000, B11110000, B10000000, B11111000}, // F 5
{B11111000, B10001000, B10011000, B10000000, B11111000}, // G 6
{B10001000, B10001000, B11111000, B10001000, B10001000}, // H 7
{B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000, B01000000}, // I 8
{B11111000, B10001000, B00001000, B00001000, B00001000}, // J 9
{B10001000, B10010000, B11100000, B10010000, B10001000}, // K 10
{B11111000, B10000000, B10000000, B10000000, B10000000}, // L 11
{B10101000, B10101000, B10101000, B10101000, B11011000}, // M 12
{B10001000, B10011000, B10101000, B11001000, B10001000}, // N 13
{B11111000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000, B11111000}, // O 14
{B10000000, B10000000, B11111000, B10001000, B11111000}, // P 15
{B11111000, B10011000, B10001000, B10001000, B11111000}, // Q 16
{B10001000, B10010000, B11111000, B10001000, B11111000}, // R 17
{B11111000, B00001000, B11111000, B10000000, B11111000}, // S 18
{B00100000, B00100000, B00100000, B00100000, B11111000}, // T 19
{B11111000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000}, // U 20
{B00100000, B01010000, B10001000, B10001000, B10001000}, // V 21
{B11011000, B10101000, B10101000, B10101000, B10101000}, // W 22
{B10001000, B01010000, B00100000, B01010000, B10001000}, // X 23
{B11111000, B00001000, B11111000, B10001000, B10001000}, // Y 24
{B11111000, B01000000, B00100000, B00010000, B11111000}, // Z 25
{B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000}, // Space to shift out use number 91
byte scrollarray[1][5] = {
int letdelay = 650; // delay between letters
String message = "YAMBO "; /////WHATS GOING TO BE DISPLAYED Most important part of code/////
int msglength = message.length(); //stores length of message string
int shiftdelay = 145; //int for later
void setup() {
pinMode(CPR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DPR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(CPC, OUTPUT); // setting pins as outputs
pinMode(DPC, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LP, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
void shiftout(int letter, int shiftamt){ //function to shift out any letter in the letters array
for(int j=0; j<5; j++)
byte x = letters[letter - 'A'][j];
byte y = x << shiftamt;
digitalWrite(LP, LOW); //latch pin low
shiftOut(DPR, CPR, LSBFIRST, RA[j]); //wries row activator to the rows
shiftOut(DPC, CPC, LSBFIRST, y); //goes to the yarray letter of the array and shifts out each byte one at a time using j
digitalWrite(LP, HIGH); //latch pin high sshifting everything into registers
void shiftoutscroll(){ //function to shift out any lettr in the scroll array
for(int j=0; j<5; j++)
digitalWrite(LP, LOW); //latch pin low
shiftOut(DPR, CPR, LSBFIRST, RA[j]); //wries row activator to the rows
shiftOut(DPC, CPC, LSBFIRST, scrollarray[0][j]); //goes to the yarray letter of the array and shifts out each byte one at a time using j
digitalWrite(LP, HIGH); //latch pin high sshifting everything into registers
void show(){ // function to display letters statically one after the other
for(int j=0; j<msglength; j++) // counts up to the number of characters in the message
int character = message.charAt(j); // puts the letter of the whatever character the counter is on into an integer called character
unsigned long start = millis(); //Begin timing the animation
while(start + letdelay > millis()) // display each letter for duraton period
if(character == 32) // if the character is a space display a zero. If you dont do this it glitches on spaces
shiftout(91, 0); // 91 - 'A'or65 is 26 which is the space on the letters array
else // this displays letters
shiftout(character, 0); //shifts out the letter from the array
if(message.charAt(j + 1) == character) //for words with two of the same letter next to eachother, it puts a space between them
digitalWrite(LP, LOW);
shiftOut(DPR, CPR, LSBFIRST, 0);
shiftOut(DPC, CPC, LSBFIRST, 0);
digitalWrite(LP, HIGH); //100 ms delay between two of the same letter
void scroll(){
byte test = {B00001000};
byte x;
int q;
int j = message.charAt(q);
int k = message.charAt(q+1);
shiftout(j, 0);
for(int z=0; z<5; z++)
int q = message.charAt(z);
int y = bitRead(letters[6][z], 7);
byte t = (letters[0][z] << 2);
byte x = bitWrite(t, 3, y);
scrollarray[0][z] = x;
// use | to combine bytes MAYBE!