I wrote a simple code to average out analogRead values during exact timing periods.
const int mVperAmp = 100; // use 185 for 5A Module, and 66 for 30A Module
float Vref = 5.00; //read your Vcc voltage,typical voltage should be 5000mV(5.0V)
//float Vref = 1.10;
boolean firstFlag = true;
boolean timerResetFlag = true;
float measValue_1[10];
float measAverage_1 = 0.0;
float measValue_2[10];
float measAverage_2 = 0.0;
float mAh = 0.0;
int sampleCounter = 0;
int secCounter = 0;
int minCounter = 0;
int adcValue[2] = {0, 0};
int prevAdc[2] = {0, 0};
int runAdc[2] = {0, 0};
unsigned long sampleStarted = 0;
unsigned long averageStarted = 0;
unsigned long averageComplete = 0;
unsigned long averageTime = 0;
void setup()
sampleStarted = millis();
void loop()
if ( (millis() - sampleStarted) < 90)
if (firstFlag == true)
sampleStarted = millis();
if (sampleCounter == 0)
averageStarted = millis();
Serial.println("ms, Start occured.");
prevAdc[1] = analogRead(A0);
prevAdc[2] = analogRead(A1);
firstFlag = false;
adcValue[1] = analogRead(A0);
runAdc[1] = round( float(prevAdc[1] + adcValue[1]) / 2.0);
prevAdc[1] = runAdc[1];
adcValue[2] = analogRead(A1);
runAdc[2] = round( float(prevAdc[2] + adcValue[2]) / 2.0);
prevAdc[2] = runAdc[2];
//measValue_1[sampleCounter] = ( (float(runAdc) / 1024.0) * Vref - (Vref / 2.0)) * 5.4054; //Sensitivity:185mV/A, 0A @ Vcc/2
measValue_1[sampleCounter] = (float(runAdc[1]) / 1024.0);
measValue_2[sampleCounter] = (float(runAdc[2]) / 1024.0);
runAdc[1] = 0;
runAdc[2] = 0;
sampleCounter += 1;
if (sampleCounter != 10)
while ((millis() - sampleStarted) < 100)
//wait for complete 100ms
//Serial.println("average completed.");
secCounter += 1;
if (secCounter == 60)
minCounter += 1;
secCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
measAverage_1 += measValue_1[i];
measValue_1[i] = 0.0;
measAverage_2 += measValue_2[i];
measValue_2[i] = 0.0;
sampleCounter = 0;
measAverage_1 = measAverage_1 / 10.0;
measAverage_2 = measAverage_2 / 10.0;
// printTime();
// Serial.print(measAverage_1 * Vref, 5); Serial.print("V --> ");
// Serial.print(measAverage_2 * Vref, 5); Serial.print("V --> ");
// Serial.print(((1 - ((measAverage_2 / measAverage_1) / 2)) * 100), 3); Serial.println("% error");
// if (measAverage_1 >= 0.1)
// {
// if (timerResetFlag == true)
// {
// secCounter = 0;
// minCounter = 0;
// timerResetFlag = false;
// }
// Serial.print(" --> ");
// mAh += (measAverage_1 * 10000) / 3600;
// Serial.print(mAh / 10, 4); Serial.println(" mAh");
// }
// else
// {
// mAh = 0.0;
// if (timerResetFlag == false)
// {
// secCounter = 0;
// minCounter = 0;
// timerResetFlag = true;
// }
// Serial.println();
// }
measAverage_1 = 0.0;
measAverage_2 = 0.0;
while ((millis() - sampleStarted) < 100)
//wait for complete 100ms
averageTime = (millis() - averageStarted);
Serial.print(millis());Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(averageStarted);Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(averageTime); Serial.println(" ms");
firstFlag = true;
sampleStarted = millis();
void printTime()
if (minCounter < 10)
if (secCounter < 10)
Serial.print(secCounter); Serial.print(" --> ");
My concern is, that averageStarted variable acts unexpectedly. After firstFlag condition is checked, it seems OK, I get "Start occured." message every 1000ms. But at the end of the loop, when I try to calculate the averageTime, the averageStarted seems to have zero value first, then after every 66 second, it increments with 2^16 (unsigned int?).
I don't get it, besides averageStarted = millis(); the code is not intended to modify the averageStarted variable.
Can somebody tell me what could cause this?
Thanks in advance,