I must see something over the head. My setup works using broadcasting addressing
XBeeAddress64 ALL_MAC = XBeeAddress64(0x0,0xFFFF);
xbee_tx = ZBTxRequest(ALL_MAC, xbee_payload, min(message.length(), xbee_buffer_size)+1);
but once I try unicast, nothing arrives on the reading node
XBeeAddress64 SPOOKY_MAC = XBeeAddress64(0x0013A200,0x409453AA);
xbee_tx = ZBTxRequest(SPOOKY_MAC, xbee_payload, min(message.length(), xbee_buffer_size)+1);
For the XBees Series2 I use ZNET 2.5 COORDINATOR and ROUTER/END DEVICE in API mode, but havent hardcoded any DH/DL addressing in the configuration. Looking at the threads in here, I cant see, what I'm doing different... what am I'm not aware of?