Universal CNC

Hello everyone

I decided its about time I did a CNC based project. So recently I have done a lot of research and pulled together a little design.

If it works as well as I want it to I will be able to use it for:

I’ll start with an Ink plotter: it would be cool to make a font of my own hand writing, then get it to write letters or something.

Laser engraver: when an old DVD player turns up on freecycle

PCB mill: set and forget easiest system for homebrew pcb

Softwood mill: to make creepy wooden portraits of family for presents

3D printer: because everyone needs one

Check out my idea’s so far here, tell me what you think I could do better. I want to send off for parts soon

This is an Arduino forum and not a CNC forum. Some of the people here may be interested in CNC (I am, though I know very little about it) but, in general, the forum works well when you ask for assistance with a specific and well defined Arduino problem.

As you haven't posed a question I doubt if you will get answers.

If you are looking for advice on the mechanics of your device you should try some of the CNC forums and the RepRap forum for 3D printing.
