unknown device

I found this device in a box of parts from a garage sale.
it heats up pretty hot (can't touch it). It has a small red led when it is on.
it came with a AC adapter and outputs 24 volts 1 amp AC current to it

my only guess as to what it is some type of water heater, it looks water proof to me.

Not a water heater, it is a "mist maker", using ultrasound for boiling micro droplets :slight_smile:

It should be mounted on a float so only 1cm of water is above that small vibrating ring

can you give me a wikipedia page or guide, how do you use it?

Yes, I edited my previous post. Look this video.

Also, should be used with demineralized water or that vibrating ring will be full of "limestone" in no time.

cool I got it to work thanks!