Unknown USB device out of the blue


I've had an issue with my MKR1000 for a few days. It appears as unknown usb device in the USB controllers section of device managers. It should be noted it used to work fine and the last code I uploaded was a simple AnalogRead/Serial.print (see at the end of the post).

What I tried :

-> Connect to the default COM port, upload a basic code (example->basic->serial read) and reset during upload -arduino IDE "couldn't find a board on the selected port" ;

-> Connect it to another computer -still doesn't work ;

-> Use another cable -still doesn't work ;

-> Use another arduino -the other arduino works ;

-> Loop test (RX-TX + GND-RESET) - no change.

Also, it doesn't appear in "Other Device" as "Unknown device", only in the USB controllers section.

I was willing to try to manually update it with ftdiport.inf but I don't know which driver to install ("USB Serial Converter [-/A/B/...]").

I have another card (UNO) for Labview, but I don't want to give up on the MKR.

PS: The arduino was connected to a resistance and a thermistor one after another, the arduino reading the voltage of the thermistor.

Below is the last uploaded code:

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:



void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

int AnalogPin = 1, i;
double Duree = 1800; // Mesure sur duree secondes
double N = 1800; // N mesures
double dt = 1000000 * Duree / N; //Mesures toute les dt secondes
double R1 = 10000; // Résistance en série utilisée
double E = 3.3; // Tension d'alimentation
double val; // Valeur lue par AnalogPin
double V; // Conversion en tension
double RT; // Calcul résistance d'intérêt

val = analogRead(AnalogPin);
V = E * (val / 1023);
RT = (R1 * V) / (E - V);



After trying rebooting my computer several times, trying to install drivers, uninstalling them...I think I might have shorted my card.

I'll get my hand on a battery as I saw a post about someone fixing their card (with similar issues) by powering it externally and manually resetting it.

I'll update in case someone stumbles upon my post.