Unmanned ground vehicle for surveillance

Hi guys I want to build a ugv for surveillance purpose, it will contain a camera and wireless module With a range as more as possible (minimum 1km)
Can it be done easily with Arduino or I have to use some bigger module for it

Which one are you using?

If you want streaming video, start by looking at drone cameras. Clear line of sight is required, of course, which is hard to accomplish with a ground vehicle.

FPV or Lora

Please post the complete system specifications of your UGV. It will save a lot of guesswork as to what processor is needed.

Range: 15km.
Module for wireless communication: Lora.
A small camera for continuous live video mounted on a servo.
Recieving video on any screen at base.
Motor driving circuit.
The car has 2 motors, 1 steering and one for forward backward

LoRa works only at low bit rates and is used for infrequently transmitted commands or small data packets.

Be sure to check the legal restrictions on use of radios in your part of the world.

Thanks. How is the vehicle movement controlled? What have you done so far? Do you have any plans or images to show us?

I haven't finalized the vehicle movement, it would be a wireless transmitter within range of 15 km controlled remotely most probably LORA module, I am at initial state where i have bought a motor driver for motors, now i have to mount it with Arduino and then control the car with a Bluetooth module initially, then after testing on small range i will go through larger range. Including a camera with live video streaming for surveillance

Do you understand these two requirements mean TWO separate communications systems?

No dear I still have to research on it, i will be glad if you enlight with your knowledge

Research the bandwidth required for continuous live video and you will discover the need for something similar to commercial over-the-air television. Not the power they use, but the frequencies used.

Sure thing, but how i will figure out that this whole process will be easily achieved by a Arduino

That will become apparent when you put actual numbers to your design.

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Can we use pi and Arduino both in ugv? So that only for complex operation we use pi and do other stuff with Arduino? Can these two boards get easily integrated?

They can communicate, if that is what you mean.

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