UNO Correctly detected by Device administrator but unable to upload sketches

In one of my projects, I think I burnt the Atmel of my board, I changed it for a Atmega-328P and when I connected it, my board only haves the ON led and the L led in a "HIGH" stat, the L does not blink even if I press the reset button, I dont know what to do, is it the bootloader? or is it something else?

When I try to upload a sketch, the nekt error pops up:

avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xb1

It gets until the ten and it says the same, I hope someone can help me, Thanks

P.D: My first time writing in a forum so I donĀ“t really knew what to write :stuck_out_tongue:

Does your new part have a bootloader on it? Need that before you can connect to PC USB for downloading.

Sorry, I misread your post, and all my post was based on that misunderstanding - that's why I deleted my reply. Unfortunately, I didn't delete it fast enough.

I agree with codingbadly - you need to install the bootloader on the chip using an ISP programmer (like another Arduino, or a USBAsp, available on ebay for $2-3 shipped from china)

Oh, ok no problem, I think it must be the bootloader so I'm going to ask for help to a friend, because I don't have a programmer neither the needed pieces to do it with another Arduino, I think I need some capacitors or something like that, or there is a way to do it without them??

For isp programming you need either a working arduino (with arduinoasisp sketch ) or an isp programmer (another piece of hardware, as I mentioned above, the usbasp is cheap and abundant)

Don't need any caps unless you're making an arduino on breadboard or something (well, in this context - you need caps for almost any electronics project)