Bonjour a tous,
Je suis nouveau ici, et c' est mon premier message, je me presente rapidement, je me prenomme Christian, 46 ans environ,
de bonnes connaissances en electronique, mais nul en C, je decouvre.... soyez indulgents...
Mon soucis:
j'ai un uno, et un module afficheur graphique (2.8" nuelectronics) , sur lequel je souhaiterais juste afficher une photo qui est stockee
sur une SD, presente egalement sur le module afficheur
j' ai le morceau de code ci dessous, qui me fait un diaporama de tout ce qu'il y a sur la SD, ce que je souhaite c' est juste afficher
une photo en la chargeant par son nom !!! la je suis pas tres clair ???
et cela fait un moment que j' essaye de comprendre ce code mais cela ne m'inspire pas vraiment !
si l'un d' entre vous pouvais m' aider, me mettre sur la voix
Le code:
#include <string.h>
#include <TFT_ILI9325.h>
#include <TFT_PFF.h>
TFT_PFF pff;
uint8_t bitmap_show(char* pFile);
void buf_display(uint8_t *buf_ptr, uint16_t count);
void setup()
uint8_t res;
LCD::fill(LCD::GetWidth()-1, LCD::GetHeight()-1, BLACK);
res = disk_initialize();
if (!res)
res = pf_mount(&pff.fs);
void loop()
uint8_t res;
DIR dir;
FILINFO file_info;
res = pf_opendir(&dir, "/");
if (!res )
res = pf_readdir(&dir, &file_info);
if(res) break;
if (!file_info.fname[0])
if (!(file_info.fattrib & AM_DIR))
if (strstr(file_info.fname, ".BMP") != 0)
#define BUF_SIZE 512
typedef struct BMIH { //declares BitMap Info Header structure
unsigned long biSize; //Length of bitmap information header (40 bytes for Windows V3 bitmaps)
unsigned long biWidth; //Width (pixels)
unsigned long biHeight; //Height (pixels)
unsigned short biPlanes; //Color planes, always 1
unsigned short biBitCount; //Color bits per pixel (1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32)
unsigned long biCompression; //Compression method, we only read uncompressed (type 0)
unsigned long biSizeImage; //Image data length
unsigned long biXPelsPerMeter; //Horizontal resolution (pixels per meter)
unsigned long biYPelsPerMeter; //Vertical resolution (pixel per meter)
unsigned long biClrUsed; //Number of colors, ignored.
unsigned long biClrImportant; //Number of important colors, ignored.
typedef struct BMFH { //declares BitMap File Header structure
unsigned short bfType; //Always 0x42 0x4D (hex for BM <-- indicating a bitmap)
unsigned long bfSize; //File size (bytes)
unsigned short bfReserved1; //Reserved, ignored
unsigned short bfReserved2; //Reserved, ignored
unsigned long bfOffBits; //Location in file of the first bitmap data
uint16_t bitmap_width;
uint16_t bitmap_height;
uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZE];
uint8_t rgb_cnt=0;
uint8_t pad_len=0;
uint8_t pad_cnt=0;
uint16_t pixel_cnt = 0;
uint8_t RGB[3];
void buf_display(uint8_t *buf_ptr, uint16_t count)
uint16_t i;
for(i=0; i<count; i++)
if(!pad_cnt){ // skip padding bytes
RGB[rgb_cnt++]= *(buf_ptr+i);
// output data
LCD_SET_DATL ( ((RGB[1]&0xFC)<<3) |(RGB[0]>>3) );
rgb_cnt = 0;
// check if there is padding data
if(pixel_cnt>= bitmap_width)
pad_cnt = 1;
pixel_cnt = 0;
else { // pad bytes
if(pad_cnt++>= pad_len) pad_cnt = 0;
uint8_t bitmap_show(char* pFile)
BMP_HEADER *ptr_header;
BMP_INFO *ptr_info;
uint8_t res;
unsigned short br; // File Read count
res = pf_open(pFile);
if (res)
return res;
res = pf_read(&buf, BUF_SIZE, &br); // read bmp header
if (res)
return res;
// set LCD area position
LCD::fill(LCD::GetWidth()-1, LCD::GetHeight()-1, SILVER);
ptr_header= (BMP_HEADER *)buf;
ptr_info = (BMP_INFO *)(buf+sizeof(BMP_HEADER));
if (ptr_header->bfType != 0x4d42 ) // type is 'BM'
return 0xff;
if (ptr_info->biWidth > 240) return 0xff;
if (ptr_info->biHeight > 320) return 0xff;
if (ptr_info->biCompression != 0) return 0xff;
// reset count values
pixel_cnt = 0;
// set data
bitmap_width = ptr_info->biWidth;
bitmap_height = ptr_info->biHeight;
pad_len = (4 - ((bitmap_width*3)%4))%4;
//pad_len = 1;
LCD::setArea( (LCD::GetWidth()-bitmap_height)>>1, (LCD::GetHeight()-bitmap_width)>>1,
((LCD::GetWidth()+bitmap_height)>>1)-1, ((LCD::GetHeight()+bitmap_width)>>1)-1);
// first display buffer - need to skip headers
buf_display( buf+sizeof(BMP_HEADER)+sizeof(BMP_INFO), br-(sizeof(BMP_HEADER)+sizeof(BMP_INFO)) );
if(br!= BUF_SIZE) return 0; // very small bitmap?
res = pf_read((void*)buf, BUF_SIZE, &br); // read data
buf_display( buf,br);
} while (!res && (br == BUF_SIZE)); // error or eof
return 0;
Merci et a bientot