I've just started on a project that involves collecting data and location/time. The idea being to dump the data and GPS info to an SD card and to display it simultaneously on an LCD. The setup is getting the GPS data fine (my wife reckons I should know where my desk is by now). What I want to do first is to select just the data I need from the NMEA, I need date/time/lat/long only, without all the other gubbins. Code so far is:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial gps(3,4); // RX, TX  Connect GPS TX to pin 3
void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200); // be sure to check lower right corner info in an open 'serial windows'
  gps.begin(9600);  // may be 4800, 19200,38400 or 57600


void loop()
  if (gps.available())  Serial.write(;

I can read the serial monitor data no problem at 115200baud. Any advice gratefully received.

The setup is getting the GPS data fine (my wife reckons I should know where my desk is by now).

Is this GPS working INDOORS ?

Is this GPS working INDOORS ?

It might be. Ublox makes a pretty decent GPS. I've never used the NEO-6 like the OP, but I've used MAX-6 and MAX-7's and have no problem getting a fix indoors, even with a lousy chip antenna (it might take me 10 minutes though :wink: ).

Any advice gratefully received

I like TinyGPS (TinyGPS | Arduiniana) for parsing the output of a GPS if you don't mind using a library (though I suspect you are wanting to write your own parser?)



EDIT: Added comment about TinyGPS

You need to capture the serial data with a terminal capture program like REALTERM so we can see it. We don't have one of those so we have no idea what that output data looks like.
Post the terminal capture file and we can go from there.

Not sure how to get a terminal capture file. Yes its working indoors. All the data seems to be there including time, date, lat & long and I know the latter are correct. Anyway it was working 24hrs ago, this evening zilch and I've been busy on another arduino project that's taken all day. I'll have another go tomorrow.

Not sure how to get a terminal capture file

You need to capture the serial data with a terminal capture program like REALTERM

Not sure how to get a terminal capture file.

You don't really need to bother. If you must know the exact format of the data, check the ublox datasheet ( and it will tell you exactly what sentences it outputs by default and what their format is (what you want is the receiver description protocol spec).

Of course this is NMEA data so it's not like the format should be any different than any other NMEA gps. I'd expect you could even use the code in the Playground (Arduino Playground - HomePage) as a start.

Just a thought.



I have same module and i mistakenly connect GPS VCC with arduino GND and GPS GND to arduino VCC
after this my GPS module not responding even connect with u-center too. please help any one can tell me what happen.

any one can tell me what happen

As a wild guess I would think that you have destroyed the GPS by applying reverse voltage to it.

in this case is there any possibility to recover it?

Unlikely I would have thought.