I was using my uno as a battery monitor.
Uno + Serial Enabled 16x2 LCD + voltage divider R1=1400 1/4w R2 480 1/4
hooked it up using a bread board and it was great.
wile i was moving things around i nocked R2 loos this allowed more then 5v to go into analog pin1. Very shortly after nocking R2 loos my LCD stopped displaying values.
I figured I had simply destroyed A1 on my ATMEGA328p chip. Or posably the hole chip.
I tried to upload a pin 13 led blink sketch but got this error message: avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
so i figured the the ATMEGA328p was dead. i was a little surprised as the doc suggests that individual ports in the IC could fail without total destruction of the chip. No bother, a new 328p with arduino boot loader installed is easily available and cheap.
Got the new chip check / rechecked the orientation. Then took a picture of the orientation. the removed the "dead 328p".
Installed the new chip. checked then rechecked the orientation then referred to the pic i took earlier to be shure the dot was facing the ICSP pins.
Plugged it into my laptop, opened arduino tryed to upload pin13 blink..... Nothing: avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
Maybe it dosent have the boot loader installed????
I used my arduino Nano 328 a 10uf cap some jumper leads and a lot of reading/forum time.
success I managed to burn the proper boot loader on to my uno/328p-pu
not to upload my pin13 blink sketch....... avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
this was the first time i noticed my Rx / Tx leds are not blinking (at all) not once....twice... but zero times.
so dose his mean my uno is no a 5v power supply???
It should be noted that when i press the reset button the led blinks several times the returns to full.
And i have tried holding the reset button till arduino say "Uploading"
And my Nano works fine
Thanks for any suggestions.