Uno not recognized by computers via USB

Hey all. I've read the other posts here about this symptom: Device Manager doesn't see my Uno. I have followed the instructions there, turned on hidden devices. But there is nothing hidden under the Ports.

This Uno worked on my PC laptop for a few times after I got it. Also recognized on my Mac. But then at some point, after uploading a new program, the USB bridge broke.

On both computers, Mac and laptop, nothing happens when I plug in the USB.

Also, the boot loader seems to be intact still. When I hit the reset button, the light comes on and blinks rapidly. Power light turns on when plugged into USB.

Any other ideas?

Oh, holy cow. NEVERMIND. On a whim, I tried a different USB cable. Bam, done! That's never happened before to me.

Oh well, add that to the troubleshooting toolbox!

Well, shoot. I'm not out of the woods yet. I should have stated that this new cable DID work on my iMac. But still no go on the laptop. Argh

I also am having the same problem. Everytime i plug the usb in it beeps twice and never connects. Im hoping to find a solution