Hello. I am having a similar problem. My arduino uno board worked well for some time but just today when I connected it to my laptop, it won't recogonize the USB . Even there is nothing in Device manager as Unknown device or such. On connecting the board the Led's on the board are blinking but the USB is not recogonized.
@Anuj_Dutt, please do not cross-post.
Have you tried a different USB cable?
Thanks . Got my problem sorted out.
Thanks . Got my problem sorted out.
Would you share the solution please, so the others with the same issue may solve it.
i have the same probleme please tell me how you fixed it my arduino uno r3 is not detected no plugin sound windows dont do anything i chaged my usb cable checked my drivers but i have the same results not detected my arduino is new one i used it tow days then it stoped working my on led works ......
please i need help