UNO perimeter alarm and MIT App Inventor App

I live on the Gold Coast Australia and have created an alarm monitor which has in it

PCF8574 -> touch panel
2x16 LCD
couple of mosfets to switch 12v

currently it monitors two pins to switches at entrances
future plan is to use 3 x PCF8574 to up that monitoring capability to 24
I use a small 12v/5v/3v UPS to provide power for the UNO, cell phone, 12v siren
two cell phones are used, one is a base, the other is a rover that provides remote access through the base cell to the HC-05 then to the UNO
the mobile app is created using MIT App Inventor

I am almost ready to send a gerber file off to get some printed circuit boards made to alleviate my mass of spaghetti wiring, something I have not done before

I am looking for a collaborator, I have no intention of trying to turn this into a product but I would like to have it reviewed/cleaned prior to making the code generally available.


I sent my gerber files off to JLCPCB and a few weeks later got back my first circuit boards.

A little bit of soldering, cursing and fiddling and hey presto the new boards replaced my bread boards. Two minor errors I had reversed the SDA and SCL lines on one board and given the wrong footprint for a PCF8574 chip on the other board but nothing disastrous and the boards work a treat. No more loose connections (hopefully).

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