Hi guys,
Need a quick advice.
Gonna use the MP3 shield from sparkfun (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10628).
Throw in a RTC (SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - BOB-12708 - SparkFun Electronics).
Question is, can I use the SD card on the MP3 shield to log data from the RTC since it uses the sdfatlib?
Just like to know before I buy the items
Other stuff used, some basic switches, speakers and vibrator motor, Power Cell - LiPo Charger/Booster and 1000mAh battery.
Thanks in advance guys. Cheers...
MP3 player looks to be controlled via SPI, RTC via I2C, that part should be play.
I suppose you could read/write the SD card as long as it wasn't playing music at the same time.
I don't know if the MP3 player opens a file & keeps it open during playback, locking you out for dual file access.
Thanks for the info @CrossRoads.
It seems that I have 100ms in between buffering of the MP3 so I guess it'll be fine.
Now I'm gonna throw in a Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL335 ( SparkFun Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL335 - SEN-09269 - SparkFun Electronics ).
Since both the Accelerometer and and RTC uses I2C will I run into any problem? I haven't got any experience using I2C bus, but according to this ( Tutorial: Arduino and the I2C bus – Part One | tronixstuff.com ), more then 1 I2C device can be connected to the same bus (SDA and SDL). Any suggestions from experience will be appreciated.
Thank you.