Uno (R3) without sockets

Is there an Arduino (R3) without sockets into which I can solder connections?. In other words I don't want the plug-in connectors along the sides of the board. So in this way I can enter the board into permanent service for an industrial setting.
What's the part number?

From what I know, Arduino itself does not manufacture Uno R3 boards without headers.

Perhaps a clone, or a pro board might work for you.
Or a "Leonardo without headers"

If you don't need the Uno footprint, just the processor, go with a Nano or Pro Mini. They're both available without attached headers and use the same processor.

Or for that matter, if you're doing your own PCB anyhow, go with a bare ATmega328P.


There are "screw shields" available for an Uno or Mega.

Or carefully pull off the black plastic pin covers with pliers.
Then you can easily unsolder/remove the pins, one at the time.

I've had good success using basic shields for my clone Nanos. You can get screw terminal style, or header style, depending on your needs. Some also exactly mimic the Uno footprint, which allows use of Uno shields with the Nano.
At $4 CDN per clone Nano, they're throw-away items. Suspect a problem, toss it and pull another one off the shelf.

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