Uno R4 WiFi - CA Certificates using CertificateUploader

Does anyone have experience with injecting root CA certificates into the Arduino Uno Wifi Rev 4? I need to connect to an MQTT Broker that only accepts secure connections (port 8883). In the past, I used the CertificateUploader to inject the CA into my Nano 33 IOT, but for some reason the Uno Wifi Rev 4 is not listed among the supported boards. Is there an ETA for this?


Any updates on this?

Hi @casaese and @desdichado_ii. You can use the "Arduino Firmware Uploader" command line tool:

Work is also in progress to add UNO R4 WiFi support to the certificate uploader features of Arduino IDE:

That should be available in the nightly build of Arduino IDE within the next few days.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

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