I'm trying up to update the firmware on my UNO R4 board, but the updater keeps failing. I've reset the board, both manually and via deleting the device, but the updater keeps failing. I've also updated the IDE to the most recent version and I'm still having the same problems.
I am having a similar issue with my UNO R4 WiFi. I tried updating the firmware via the IDE, which failed repeatedly with no helpful indication as to why. I then tried using the command-line procedure for macOS described at https://support.arduino.cc/hc/en-us/articles/9670986058780-Update-the-wireless-connectivity-firmware-on-UNO-R4-WiFi. It seemed to be going along fine, getting about 80% of the way through the update, then it returned a timeout error, as shown below:
bminch@Bradleys-MacBook-Air-2 unor4wifi-update-macos % ./update.command
Start flashing firmware
[2023-09-25T23:46:37Z INFO ] ๐ A new version of espflash is available: v2.0.1
[2023-09-25T23:46:37Z INFO ] Detected 2 serial ports
[2023-09-25T23:46:37Z INFO ] Ports which match a known common dev board are highlighted
[2023-09-25T23:46:37Z INFO ] Please select a port
โ Remember this serial port for future use? ยท no
[2023-09-25T23:46:56Z INFO ] Serial port: '/dev/cu.usbmodem14201'
[2023-09-25T23:46:56Z INFO ] Connecting...
[2023-09-25T23:46:56Z INFO ] Using flash stub
Chip type: esp32s3 (revision v0.1)
Crystal frequency: 40MHz
Flash size: 8MB
Features: WiFi, BLE
MAC address: dc:54:75:c5:4d:cc
Error: espflash::timeout
ร Error while connecting to device
โฐโโถ Timeout while running FlashDeflateData command
Now, the RX indicator LED is flashing at about 2Hz and the board does not enumerate. It seems to be bricked. I have no idea what to do with it from here. Any insights or suggestions would be welcome.
As an update, I was able to unbrick my board and upgrade the firmware using the procedure described at https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/uno-r4-wifi/esp32-upload, uploading the firmware in the firmware folder that came in the zip archive I downloaded before. Not as convenient as being able to do it from within the IDE, but not too bad.
I am beginning to loose faith that the designers of this board actually know what they are doing. The user experience is appalling, as witnessed by the constant stream of users asking about basic functions like this that basically do not work.
Given that I could not even start the original procedure on my Mac, I have no belief that the software given in that link will even run on my Mac in the first place. I have little interest in the ESP processor apart from getting it to update to the latest firmware revision.
I was able to use the procedure in that link to upgrade the firmware from a Raspberry Pi. Despite there being a Linux update zip, it seems that's only for 64 bit x86 systems. That certainly wasn't obvious from the download page.
The R4 experience does seem to have its fair share of rough edges still.