Uno R4 wifi ICSP header +5V pin - good for sensors?


I have a Uno R4 wifi, without a breadboard, and I need to power a PIR sensor and drive a buzzer, both require +5VDC power. I am aware there is one obvious +5V pin on the main header, but I have found a +5V pin (and a ground pin) on the one ICSP header via the pinout diagram. Can anyone confirm that this pin is good for powering sensors? (obviously the overall board current has limits). The only wrinkle could be that its a male pin, but I have lots of different Dupont wires so I am OK.

I hadn't thought too much about practical I/O limitations on the Uno when I bought it, my projects for now are simple, but I assume Arduino developed the Mega or Giga boards precisely to provide more real life I/O for larger projects :).

Thanks for any input.

Steven Lightfoot

it is the same 5 V as on the 5 V pin

OK, so basically wired in parallel, thank you!

Are there any other non-obvious easy to access +5VDC power pins on the R4 wifi? (The Qwiic connect has +3.3 and the ESP header also has +3.3)...

Really appreciate the help.

Steven Lightfoot