Uno rev3 + bluetooth

Hop i post this in right forum, i bought UNO few days ago and would love to use it with bluetooth but i cant find anything that would suit me. Mostly because im not sure at all what exactly i need for bluetooth communication.

I got a tip ofBT Mate Silver, but as i understand, that needs something more to be able to use with UNO, what would that be ?

Thanx in advance!

Names of devices are nowhere near as useful as links to those devices.

Mostly because im not sure at all what exactly i need for bluetooth communication.

What are you trying to communicate with?

at this point im mostly trying to get uno r3 to communicate both with computer and later on with android tablet/phone, but i found that seeed studio bt shield is it what i need.

Now i only need to find it from the closest (e)store ( shipping from china is not worth it )

Now i only need to find it from the closest (e)store

Telling us where in the world you are would help. I've ordered from seeed studio, and shipping was quite reasonable (less than Sparkfun, for sure) and reasonably fast.