UNO Serial Port Usage


I'm thinking about using the serial port to send a byte of data from one UNO to another using their serial ports (TX pin to RX pin). However, I suspect I'll need to use the IDE Serial Monitor feature for troubleshooting purposes.

Does the IDE Serial Monitor feature use the same UNO serial port resources used to support the TX/RX pin interface? Is it possible to use the UNO's IDE Serial Monitor and its serial port independently?


Yes on a UNO.

If you don’t have much data to send use a SoftwareSerial between the UNOs (at 9600 bauds) and keep Serial available for upload and debug

PS: your post was in the wrong subforum, moved it to a better place. Pay attention to where you post next time, please.

No, that's not possible. But some Arduinos (Mega...) have multiple independent Serial ports in hardware.

Somebody else was wondering about inter-Uno comms via '0' and '1'.
Maybe you're classmates?
Use SoftwareSerial (it's in the IDE's 'Examples').

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