Hi, sorry to disturb your slumber. i've got code that runs on Uno, but breaks on Nano 33 BLE. It has issues with a volatile, "RwReg does not name a type". I was just wondering if there was a quick fix for this.
Not sure if RwReg is a variable or a type of variable.
This is the code making the error:
volatile RwReg *dataport, *clkport, *csport, *rsport;
uint32_t _cs, _rs, _sid, _sclk,
datapinmask, clkpinmask, cspinmask, rspinmask,
colstart, rowstart;
This is the error given:
'RwReg' does not name a type
These are two unconnected lines of code showing what is being done with dataport variable:
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