Good afternoon.
After reading all I could find, no result.
My Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2 - Firmware updated.
Tried the Wifi Scan and is finding the network(s). This particular scenario, there are several AP with same same, for having the virtual same network available.
It does not connect using the example WPA connect. Just keeps trying.
Sees the network(s) but fails to connect.
Can anyone shed some light ??
It's working fine with other sketches. Temperature & LCD. All working.
Thank you all.
whats ur code
there is a way to connect
as arduino uno wifi rev2 has a bulit in wifi function
Good morning.
I should have updated the post.
For some reason, the wireless ap are not forwarding the DHCP request.
The Arduino is configured with static parameters and all is working fine.
Thank you.
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