Windows 7 - 64
New Arduino Uno R3
Loaded & installed IDE 0022
Tools "Board" correctly set to "UNO"
Connect Uno to USB port
Load example sketch
Compiled sketch
Error Msg "...Serial Port 'COM4' not found"
Tools "Serial Port" greyed-out
Windows Device Manager shows no Com Port or
"Other Devices"
Read all Troubleshooting advise but could not figure out how to set up Uno to a com port.
Any constructive advise appreciated
I find that strange, as when I installed the 'duino, Windows (unsurprisingly) thought it was an unknown device. Using the INF file which came with the 1.0 IDE worked fine on x64 Windows 7 Home Premium.
I did have to confirm that I wanted to do it, if I remember right, as it was unsigned. All this was after I plugged in my Uno board into my computer.
Mind you, when I first started the IDE, I thought it was connected to COM1, which was my mobo's Serial header. Easy mistake to make.
In any case, try plugging in your Uno board, then seeing if you find an "Unknown Device" in device manager. When you do, use "Update Driver" in the properties window to install the INF file.
OK, so I have the same problem. But, i have no idea what anybody is saying! plus, I used a different computer in a computer block and the chip worked fine, yet on this beautiful home desktop pc the chip just greys out the port..... can somebody explain SIMPLY to me what the problem?
OK, so I have the same problem. But, i have no idea what anybody is saying! plus, I used a different computer in a computer block and the chip worked fine, yet on this beautiful home desktop pc the chip just greys out the port..... can somebody explain SIMPLY to me what the problem?
I have the same problem, INFACT my arduino uno was working perfectly then all the sudden i can't find my com port. not showing up in device manager so i don't know how to get the drivers re-installed if they're corrupted... I'm googling the Legacy Driver thing now
Same problem here with win7 x64. Makes one feel quite annoyed, since Arduino should be the easiest thing to get working.
Thanks to posts by gbullough and James C4S, got it working.
It's not the Arduino. If I were to guess it's your motherboard.
I've got the exact same problems described, and neither going through the legacy device procedures or trying to update on the "Unknown Device" works. I also happen to have this exact same issue with my 3DConnexion Space Navigator. Their support informed me that on certain motherboards running Windows 7 64, a particular firmware version can not be recognized and will only display as an "Unknown Device" in the device manager. No further details than that, but I was able to update the firmware on another machine and the Space Navigator now works fine on the formerly problematic machine.
The symptoms being experienced here are identical. I'm running an Asus P8P67. It might be useful to list your motherboard.
I am on Mac but I have the same kind of problem. I have attached a picture of what my serial ports look like, it doesn't show any USB ports, all it shows are bluetooth ones. What's wrong?