I hope at some point the Arduino team labels the pins but it might not happen readily as this is supposed to be the Arduino for Beginners when a broader take on using this (like RasPi - beginners through advanced) would result in more sales.
Thanks for the notes, are appreciated!
This is my first release of Esplora.
This is the beginning of a new type of the infographics that I will do in the future. Esplora will be the first, then be modifying all the other cards.
In the next release i change "Phisical Pin" to "Processor Pin"
Hi everybody,
i'm new in Arduino Esplora and i would like to know if is possible to choose the string pins (beside the 4 push buttons) as output pins as i get used on the Arduino Uno.
I need to connect 7 indipendent leds to the board.. is it possible? How can i control them??
Thanks and sorry for my english!
See the lines D14, 15, 16, 7, 8, D0, and D1 on the expansion header? They are digital pins that you can connect to an LED and resistor (220 to 330 ohm or so) to ground. This would probably require a little board to mount them. Then you can use digitalWrite function in code to turn them on and off.
Thank you!!!!!
the answer was very complete! so i can control those pins as in Arduino Uno.. last question.. is it possible to read a voltage signal as input?? maybe on the TinkerKit input?
The diagram shows D8 is the same as Analog A9 but I have not tried to read that pin as an analog pin but you can try and let us know. If you wanted to use another pin or two for LEDs you can use the two Tinkerkit outputs or the SPI pins D14, 15, and 16.
Hello In your earlier Esplora pin outs you show the orange tinkerkit outputs with the correct pin out it goes
5v | digital_out | GND
your latest 3.0 revision has it wrong and shows it:
GND | digital_out | 5V
I can assure you the latest 3.0 is incorrect and needs to be changed.
here is another reference that has been working for a long time now and I just hooked it up to my oscilloscope and i can assure you the current one is wrong.
I'm totally new to anything microprocessor- or microcontroller-oriented. What does the pinout diagram mean? I'm trying to hook up a Radioshack servo motor to my Arduino Esplora (figured I could use the buttons to make it move forward and backward), but I have no idea what to hook the motor up to. I thought I could just hook the motor straight to the Tinkerkit outputs, but its pins are "signal, 5V, GND," instead of the outputs' "5V, signal, GND" (from the diagram).
I don't understand what all of the letter/number designations on the Esplora pinout diagram are. Could someone explain them to me, or direct me to another thread?
I appreciate it.
I just read where the Esplora does not have traditional inputs/outputs, and the pin sockets next to the buttons and joystick are for an LCD monitor. Does this mean I cannot directly hook a motor up to the Esplora? I also have an Uno that I am teaching myself to use. Is it possible to control the Uno with the Esplora?