Unstable USB connection

Dear Arduine and Adafruit.
I can from the forum, see that I am not the only person, having trouble with the USB interface.
I have been able to see all of attatched module, including their description.
But suddenly, none of my small module, is showing their description anymore, except the Ardino Uno.
If luckey, the module show up in the Windows PORT(COM & LPT), but only for short. Next, when the Device Manager, run an automatic "Scan for Hardware Changes", the module dissapear and show up in the "Universal Serial Bus controlle", under the catagory "Unknown Device".
Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)
If I try to "Update Driver Softwar", I get this answer:
"Windows has determined that the driver software for Your Device is Up to date. Unknown Device."
The modules purchased is:
Arduino Uno chip name ATMEGA 328P
Arduino NANO chip name Atmel M328P
Arduino MICRO chip name ATMEGA M32U4P,
and an ItsuBitsy from Adafruit. chip name ATMEGA M32U4P

Searching up Microchip for M32U4P, turns up empty.
Only searching for 32U4 gives this result:
8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller
Searching up Microchip for M328P, turns up empty.
Only searching for 328P gives this result:
8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller

So, is sometyhing rotten in Denmark?
I do not know, but from Adafruit I found this explanation:
Deprecation Warning:
The Pro Trinket bit-bang USB technique it uses doesn't work as well as it did in 2014, many modern computers won't work well. So while we still carry the Pro Trinket so that people can maintain some older projets, we no longer recommend it.
And futher:
Please check out the Metro Mini (ATmega328 @ 5V 16 MHz), ItsyBitsy 32u4 5V 16MHz,
ItsyBitsy 32u4 @ 3.3V 8MHz or
ItsyBitsy M0 @ 3V 48MHz. All have built-in USB and are comparable...

So, perhaps the 8-bit MCU's with USB interface are rouled out by Microsoft. I do not know!
Somewhere I found a solution about skipping the direct USB connection and use the FTDI to serial connection in stead.
That is rx, tx, rts and cts.
I have be using the FTDI UB232 to my gsm project for many a year, with no broblem. The signal are selectable 5v or 3v.
I added a 3v reg to the board.
In this way You are free of beeing depending of Driver Signing in the future.
just a suggesting.
Pt. working on windows 7

But suddenly, none of my small module, is showing their description anymore, except the Ardino Uno.

If all those boards stopped working at the exact same time, that indicates a problem with your computer, not the boards. Try connecting them to a different USB port on your computer. Are you able to use other USB devices connected to the port?

I do not know, but from Adafruit I found this explanation:
Deprecation Warning:
The Pro Trinket bit-bang USB technique it uses doesn't work as well as it did in 2014, many modern computers won't work well. So while we still carry the Pro Trinket so that people can maintain some older projets, we no longer recommend it.

That statement only applies to boards that use bit-banged USB. None of your boards use bit-banged USB, so the statement is completely irrelevant to your situation.

So, perhaps the 8-bit MCU's with USB interface are rouled out by Microsoft.

No. At least on your Nano, the 8-bit MCU is not even connected to the computer. There is a dedicated USB chip on that board (FTDI if you have a real Nano, CH340 if you have a Chinese Nano derivative).

Somewhere I found a solution about skipping the direct USB connection and use the FTDI to serial connection in stead.

As I said, the official Nano already uses the FTDI FT232. The Uno also doesn't have a direct USB connection to the ATmega328P. On the official boards and faithful clones, there is an ATmega16U2 chip connected to USB that acts as the USB to TTL serial adapter to the ATmega328P, just as an FTDI chip would. On the Chinese Uno derivatives it's a CH340 chip instead of an ATmega16U2.