Unusual (off-topic) project, but guidance appreciated

(moderators, give me until 1:00pm GMT on 27 March, then feel free to delete)

I always get the honest advice here, so I thought I might ask y'all to think about my life for a while...

The "project" I need guidance on is my family business. There is no code to share. There is no data-sheet to read or clever "for loop" to save me...

I have come to a cross-road. I want to expand the family business -- which I was put in charge of, reluctantly, several years ago (i'm the #3 son and my dad wouldn't trust the other 2 with a potato gun, LOL, but they work for me). I have already put almost every piece of my new branch together and, now, am literally one "mouse-click" away from doing it -- I even hired a guy to be the branch manager.

My dilemma is that everyone in my sphere-of-influence is opposed to the expansion for what I think is a "personal selfish reason:" My wife thinks I'll be away from home even more... my father is retired and doesn't want to risk his "nest-egg"... the other branch manager doesn't think I can make it work... my 2 brothers are saying they will have to do more work for the same money.... and everyone else it seems has an excuse, too!

The problem is that my GUT tells me it is the 100% right thing to do!! Unfortunately, no one wants this but me. It WILL BE financially profitable (I made sure of that, first), but once it is in place, I fear that everyone will be working against it.

I just don't know what to do. I know this is not even close to enough "code" for any of you to give me the answer that makes my LED come on, but I don't really have anyone else to ask. Even my closest friends are like: "Dude, your 50-something. Why would you give yourself this task when you are already doing so good?"

I don't know... I just have this drive to "create" something new! If the new branch succeeds, then my "sphere-of-influence" will begrudge me for it; if it fails, they will say: "I told you so..."

To complicate matters, I just figured-out that the guy I hired to run it may not be as capable as I had thought (after watching him closely for the few months he's been working with me).

Anything you can give me, any thought, platitude, advice, song, wisdom, experience, hated, sympathy, regret, or joke that you can offer will be read and considered. I won't be able to update you on my decision. I won't be able to give you any more info on the situation. Just write your initial thoughts and even if it's insulting, I will read and think on it.

You are a prisoner of your own thoughts. Or a prisoner of your sphere of influence. Or they are right and you are wrong. Difficult situation. Where you must feel some fear to fail and no one is willing to back you up.
Seems you do not trust your peers. Find someone outside your sphere to challenge your idea.

If you feel it isn't going to work my best advice is to just quit the new branch, people and relationships are more precious then a job or anything else.

I would advise don't do it unless you have specific be told to do this.

Are you in for the money if so please consider spending that time with your family.

Redeem the time.
Time is precious, a job can be done by anyone.

My best advice is don't do it.

God bless you and help you in this tough descion.
Give God glory either way.
Bye my friend..

If you believe in you more than in others thoughts - do it.
Come back in 100 days and report how it is going.

@johnnycatt ,

I have moved your question to General Discussion, which is the place for general discussion (fiendishly clever choice of name) about anything.

Do it.
But first make sure your branch manager is up to the job and make sure she/he can run the branch without interference from your brothers, dad and anyone else who wants to interfere.

Some things that are not clear:
Are you the sole person in charge of the business? I am particularly concerned that your brothers have some control and will interfere. Are you free to fire them if you want to?
Same with your dad.

There are people who call themselves business coaches out there who would help you, the difficulty would be finding one you were happy with. Different coaches operate in different ways, not all would be suitable.

Finally: "Feel the fear and do it anyway"

Good luck.

This is a time of economic instability and the future is unclear.

Hey, at least you're taking a modular approach!

In northern Germany we always say:

"nicht schnacken, sondern machen! "

From what I read, your family business is NOT incorporated. Before any more time has elapsed convert the business into either a LLC or a real corporation. That will ease the concerns of all those around you.

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One strategy in this is to find any agreement in any parts of your plan - then bring those individuals in by delegating an important role to them.

That way, you share the responsibility and have more than two eyes! Meet weekly or fortnightly with each member reporting in their roles. Build up their individual management capabilities.

Maybe you can draft up some terms if they meet stated goals in their area of responsibility, they get some benefit for the extra effort.

As the business grows, you have loyal ‘partners’ to take wider responsibility.

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This disagreement was not part of your plans, first thing you didn't think of already? Can you school them as a same page group to cut down on confusion when trying to collect informed opinions and perhaps some are worth more, nope I do not envy you!

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