I'm basically monitoring change in the resistance of two force sensors. However when I change the resistance of one sensor, the other one changes with it for some reason. I've tried changing the power supply around, but that wasn't helpful. The two circuits are identical voltage dividers connected in series with the same power supply. Has anyone run into this problem? Should I use the same ground as well? Does it matter?
I'm basically monitoring change in the resistance of two force sensors. However when I change the resistance of one sensor, the other one changes with it for some reason. I've tried changing the power supply around, but that wasn't helpful. The two circuits are identical voltage dividers connected in series with the same power supply. Has anyone run into this problem? Should I use the same ground as well? Does it matter?
A circuit drawing might help us a little. Possibly the source impedance of your force sensor/ciruit is not at the recommended 10K ohms or less value?
This question was answered multiple times, you may search "adc erroneous reading"
In summary, solutions:
- make two readings of each sensor, one dummy analogRead - discard, second - your result;
- dummy + 8 consecutive readings- accumulate, take average.
Thanks Magician! It worked using the dummy.