Update an sql database

Hi, I am trying to use an arduino to look for a n input an if the input is on add a 1 to the database else add a 0, then have a webpage display the most recent result. Now I don't want the code as I want to figure this out for myself I just want to understand what I need. I know I need the arduino program but does the Ethernet card just insert it into the database .
Do I need to enter my router information and password so it can use the connection.
Any advice would be fantastic


I know I need the arduino program but does the Ethernet card just insert it into the database.

It does not. The Ethernet card and its driver/library knows nothing about databases.

I would do a HTTP-GET to a PHP script that handles the MySQL stuff.

Great. Thanks.

How would my Ethernet card get past my router with regards to usermeme and password