I do hope it will take over the world. It sounds like an extremely good idea especially to hobbyist. Difficulty in using can be solved with lots of good usage examples.
As for proto boards, Olimex has two CC430 boards MSP430-CCRF MSP430-CCRF for about less then 25E each. Big downside is, that it's in the wrong frequency range. Shouldn't matter for testing with 2 units even with dash7, but it won't be compatible with any existing dash7 devices that will only operate on 433 MHz (which is a really good thing).
866 operation requires slightly different configuration of registers. I've actually made an easy setting to use the 866 band, although I cannot confirm that it meets regulatory approval. We have considered opening a 2nd band in 866/868, but we decided it would lead to too much confusion, and more recently it seems 866 and 915 are getting bullied by LTE. But for the lab, no problem.
So a simple 'config' change in the build would allow that. I totally fully agree sticking with 433 MHz. World wide availability for one and not so crowded by telcom's Don't think it will be. Its just a shame there's so little hardware cheaply/easily attainable for us mortals (yes the watch, read below).
If you have a binocular microscope and some skill in soldering, it's also possible to change the front-end. I have done this before with 1005 (0402) parts. It takes some practice, but it is possible with hot air system to remove old parts, then to place new parts a solder pencil, microscope, and a lot of solder flux.
I guess that's out of the league of many many With front end, you mean those simple components connected to the antenna? Or the actual demodulator (I belive it was called in the DVB world). I assume the first, as I see no other chips on the olimex boards
The TI Chronos is also usable, although it is a lousy experimenter board.
I actually really wanted to get one when it was with those TI-deals. But I missed out. While lousy experimenter board in the hardware side, combined with a CC430 USB (or whatever chip) it would make software development and testing possible. Even when it's just passing messages from the PC via udp6 to the clock watch
Btw, is the power the reason you switched to the ST from the CC430? I remember you saying you where excited about the CC430 but notice the switch to 'some' ST. Does it include the radio?
I still love the CC430, and it is in my product plans for the future. We used ST (STM32L+SPIRIT1) for HayTag because we needed a few things:
- SPIRIT1 and one other chip (currently unreleased) were designed with DASH7 in mind, so the performance is high and power usage is low
- STM32L or EFM32 are the lowest power MCUs for doing the sort of things we need to do. Wolverine MSP430 is an interesting one, too, but right now it is Rev-0. Too much errata.
- Ability to run a CDC USB stack. The bit-bang stack for MSP is USB-low speed. Plus, it is blocking when it runs.
- Ability to support over-serial or over-the-air firmware upload. CC430 is only 32KB Flash. The OpenTag distro is between 13KB and 28KB, depending on featureset. We are using an STM32L with 64KB Flash. With firmware image compression, there is no trouble implementing a bootloader.
- Simply, we didn't want to be seen as a TI-only shop
So it's a multi-chip design in a really small package. Pretty cool! I wonder if whatever next solution will be from any manufacturer. I really like the CC430 because it's a single package. So while the STM32L +Spirit1 sounds like a really efficient idea, an integrated solution could be even more power friendly!
The blocking-ness would be a non-issue for low speed hobby usage, but in a big enviroment, where thousands of tags communicate with a receiver connected over USB, it probably is an issue
I didn't realize opentag was that big. I thought it would actually easily fit in a 32 kiB AVR. Speaking of AVR, the onyl reason I brought it up, is I remembered that you mentioned that OpenTag doesn't require a DMA anymore, but more importantly, that someone else was doing the work.
Also, while I really can understand the hesitation to build for the hobbyist market, the hobbyist market does need at least proto boards as just using a socket with a chip is nearly impossible with these chip (all SMD) and antenna design is a science of its own.
Really, there's no hesitation, there just isn't enough time. I still need to worry about paying the rent. Crowd funding a build-run seems like an interesting idea, but there is a marketing element to crowd funding that I first need to figure-out.
Yes, crowdfunding is a tricky issue. I do think indiegogo would be better then kickstarter though (hint) and all comes down to price. Hobbyist are often poor But yes, I have many many idea's and plans for Dash7, have had them for 2 years now. If I could quit my Studies and Job and focus 110% on it, I would!
As for the 7Stick, if it was based on the CC430, it wouldn't even need a USB controller anymore as someone has/is busy porting V-USB to bitbang USB. Bitbang USB v1.1 on a MSP430 – Dangerous Prototypes
See previous comments on USB. Plus, the current design uses an MSP430F55xx, which has HW USB and is basically identical to the CC430 core. OpenTag runs great on the prototype 7stick. It was supposed to go into a certain TI kit, but I guess something is getting held-up.
They should do a 7stick + chronos TI-deal! Seriously, they should!
Anyhow, this is kinda getting off topic as its not even closely related to arduino. While I don't mind where this will be discussed, mods might not agree
I was thinking today about what it would take to build an Arduino shield out of the HayTag iOS adapter design. The width of that board is similar to the width of a standard Arduino board, so it could be a shield or a half-shield. It has an integrated antenna that's pretty badass, so range would be good. Once the HayTag Adapter design goes to R1, I bet I could successfully crowd-fund the shield based on it, thanks to the size of the Arduino community. Thinking about a simple network configuration that might appeal to this community, I sketched out a design. The avg supply current to the gateway/router node should be about 800uA and the endpoint nodes about 60uA. Range, I'll guess 1km. High power for DASH7, but probably much lower than any RF that has ever been attached to an Arduino :). Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted.
A shield would be very cool, but it would be awesome if it had the breakout bits available too, so that more experienced users could actually use the shield stand-alone! As a protoboard. Two flies in one swat