Update Reference for Ethernet Shields after Ethernet library 2.00 update

The new 2.00 update of the Ethernet library supports the Ethernet2 shield. The docs should be changed.

I agree this is very important. Too often changes are made in Arduino code but they don't bother to update the documentation. I remember the need for this was mentioned somewhere in a comment by Paul Stoffregen at the time of the 2.0.0 release but the Arduino developers never replied and now I can't find that. It's been on my "to-do" list to make sure that gets done but I think by now it's fairly clear that the Arduino team is not going to make it happen without some prompting/assistance. I have a good start on a draft of an issue report that contains suggested changes to all affected existing documentation as well as the new pages that need to be created but it's a really big job to do properly and I don't have enough time to finish it up right now. I'll get that posted ASAP.

I started this because I fight with an 'expert' on SE

OK, I finally got the documentation update proposal finished:

I welcome any suggestions for improvement.

OK, I finally got the documentation update proposal finished:
Documentation updates related to the 2.0.0 release · Issue #67 · arduino-libraries/Ethernet · GitHub
I welcome any suggestions for improvement.

Wouldn't be better to make one reference and example for static configuration (localIP, subnet, gateway, dns )? And one about macAddress property and only one about remote IP and remote and local port? And one about both retransmission settings?

I don't think so. Multiple functions per page and per example means more noise. I want to see only the information on that specific function. This is especially important when pointing a beginner to the reference page for a function they need to learn about. I could see how it might make sense for setRetransmissionTimeout and setRetransmissionCount since those would likely be used together but I don't think any other reference pages do that so I don't think it's worth breaking the well-established convention. What I've done instead is to add "See also" links to those pages linking them all to each other.