Updated Servo page on ArduinoInfo.Info

Hi, with help from John at http://www.rchelicopterfun.com/ I have updated the ServoMotor page on http://ArduinoInfo.Info

Start here for overall Actuator stuff: http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/ArduinoActuators

Any suggestions, critique etc. appreciated. terry@yourduino.com

That's a great resource Terry, well done! Bookmarked.

Could you maybe devote a little more space to why modded servos can no longer be sent to a particular "angle", and that the "off" position may need some experimentation?

why modded servos can no longer be sent to a particular "angle", and that the "off" position may need some experimentation?

Good Point! The kinda feedback I hope for.

I will add that and I will resurrect my "Find the Stop Value" code and retread it to go with other examples at: http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/YourDuinoStarterSoftwareSketches/url]