Hi Everyone,
I write the ArduinoInfo WIKI.
The most popular page, with about 9000 hits so far this month is Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo
I have recently done a lot of updates to this page and written new code examples that specifically use the RF24 library by TMRH2O. There will be more examples added soon.
There is a discussion and suggestions for overcoming the common 'nRF24L01 doesn't work for me' situation. It is very stable for me now.
Please take a look at the How-To and Examples and email comments, suggestions and critique to terry@yourduino.com
Please suggest specific projects / capabilities you would like to see. Please link to good examples you have written or have seen on the net. I would like to continue to collect useful information for newbies, and move to more complex subjects such as low-power sensor nodes etc.
Thanks to TMRH2O (Whomever he/she is??) and Manicbug for the excellent RF24 library and documentation!