Upgrade of avr library crashes my arduino


I just upgraded the avr library as it was suggested today and my Arduino script is not working anymore. I have a systematic error when opening a file on a SD card (SD.open) while this was running fine since 3 years. I havne't found the way to know the avr library realease.
Will a full upgrade on 1.8.0 help ?
I have a PC with an older version and will check, but wondering if anyone has experienced such issue. I am using an Arduino UNO and the IDE is 1.6.7


Please post either the error msg's themselves or decent screen shots.

Use code tags ( </> ) to post the error msg. please.

Try updating the SD library to version 1.1.1 (in the Library Manager).

More info: Fix for 1.80 SD.h · Issue #5805 · arduino/Arduino · GitHub