Upgraded WiFi shield to 1.0.5 and now it doesn't work

Uno R3 with wifi shield. Upgraded firmware for 1.0.5, now it doesn't recognize the wifi shield (WiFi.status is constantly 255). While it is plugged in, the 'link' light is on for a few seconds, and after about 5 seconds the blue 'data' light goes on instead, and it stays that way.

Jumper is not on, firmware (both wifi_dnld.elf and wifiHex.elf) was updated using batchisp with no errors. Tried with a due and the Uno R3, both had same error.

Before updating the firmware, it would at least be able to recognize the shield and connect to a network, but I was not able to use two arduinos to communicate with each other as server and client, to send simple string messages. I decided to update to 1.0.5 to be sure it worked, and because I needed the config() function

Bump. Does anyone know how to solve this / had the same problem of the wifi shield not being recognized when updating to 1.0.5?

I also forgot to mention that I already tried connecting pins 3 and 7, and that didn't work either.

Bump again. Has nobody really had this problem before, or know ANY suggestions? It's happened three out of three times for me. Something is clearly going wrong, and no sources I can find differ at all from what I've done.