Upload Error Message

Hi, I have module at university using Arduino, I'll say this now, I'm a dyslexic dyscalculic musician with no experience of programming...when I look at code all I see is incomprehensible lines and shapes (uni tutors don't seem to get that...) So please forgive me for sounding like a numpty, and please put things in laymen's terms, I literally know nothing about coding or computer language. Anyway, I have to push through as I don't like to fail! Every-time I try to upload a sketch I get this error message 'avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding' Now I have searched around before burdening you kind people but I just don't understand the terminology, a nice simple explanation/solution would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again, I'll be back again no doubt.

Forgot to mention, I'm using a Mac running OSX 10.7.5

Hi Sharp,
You may have to provide some more information so that it will be easier to help you. For starters,

  1. What type of board and chip do you have?
  2. Does the power LED come on when you connect to the board?
  3. Does your PIN 13 light up?
  4. Are you selecting the correct serial port, board and chip in your programming environment?
  5. Have you tried pressing the reset button before/during upload?

You mentioned that you are dyslexic. Would programming through a graphic interface make it easier on you? If so, you can try programming through modkit instead of the arduino programming IDE.

I have an uno r3, everything lights up as it should. I followed the start up instructions to the t, I tried to reset it several times with no luck. I'll defiantly check out modkit. Thanks for replying! Hopefully it's something simple.