I have a project to replicate another project, but at the time of uploading, here is the issue I am encountering.
c:\Users\lcper\Documents\Arduino\libraries\WebSockets\src\WebSocketsServer.cpp: In member function 'void WebSocketsServer::handleNewClients()':
c:\Users\lcper\Documents\Arduino\libraries\WebSockets\src\WebSocketsServer.cpp:667:90: error: 'class WiFiServer' has no member named 'accept'
exit status 1
Compilation error: exit status 1
extern "C"
{ //esp8266 stuff
#include "user_interface.h"
#include <menu.h>
#include <menuIO/serialIO.h>
#include <menuIO/esp8266Out.h>
#include <menuIO/clickEncoderIn.h>
#include <menuIO/chainStream.h>
#include <menuIO/TFT_eSPIOut.h> // Edit User_Setup.h in TFT_eSPI folder for your setup
#include <streamFlow.h> // https://github.com/neu-rah/streamFlow
#include <Ticker.h>
#include <ClickEncoder.h> // https://github.com/soligen2010/encoder
#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI
#include <VL6180X.h> // https://github.com/pololu/vl6180x-arduino
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
// TFT Wiring:
// SainSmart ESP8266 Description
// Names Pins
// GND 1 GND // Obvious
// VCC 2 3V3 // Obvious
// SCK 3 CLK // Must be CLK when TFT_SPI_OVERLAP is defined
// SDA 4 SD1 // Must be SD1 when TFT_SPI_OVERLAP is defined
// RES 5 RST // Could be on GND when RST is set to -1
// RS 6 D5 // Could be another open pin
// CS 7 D3 // Must be D3 when TFT_SPI_OVERLAP is defined
// LEDA 8 VIN // Might need to be on 3.3v but I have been running it on VIN 5V YMMV
// Rotary Encoder Wiring:
// KY-040 ESP8266 Description
// Pins Pins
// GND GND // Obvious
// + 3V3 // Obvious
// SW D4 // Could be any good input pin
// DT D6 // Could be any good input pin
// CLK D7 // Could be any good input pin
// VL6180X Wiring:
// VL6180X ESP8266 Description
// Pins Pins
// VIN 3V3 // Obvious
// GND GND // Obvious
// SCL D1 // Hardcoded on ESP8266 so must be D1
// SDA D2 // Hardcoded on ESP8266 so must be D2
// Alarm Buzzer Wiring:
// Buzzer ESP8266 Description
// Wire Pins
// Red D8 // Could be any good input pin *EXCEPT GPIO 3 or 11*
// Black GND // Wire a 100 ohm resistor inline betwen the buzzer and the gnd
using namespace Menu;
// No need to declare pins for 6180 sensor if you use the standard pins on ESP8266
//SDA=4 => D2.
//SCL=5 => D1
// Define pins for rotary encoder
// Corresponds to the GPIO For the Pin
// Google Image Search "ESP8266 Pinout"
#define encA 12
#define encB 13
#define encBtn 2
#define encSteps 4
// Declare the clickEncoder
ClickEncoder clickEncoder(encA, encB, encBtn, encSteps);
ClickEncoderStream encStream(clickEncoder, 1);
// Start the serial input for ArduinoMenu
serialIn serial(Serial);
// Declare the timer
Ticker ticker;
// Declare the TFT
TFT_eSPI gfx = TFT_eSPI();
// Declare the distance sensor
VL6180X sensor;
// Define the width and height of the TFT and how much of it to take up
#define GFX_WIDTH 160
#define GFX_HEIGHT 128
#define fontW 6
#define fontH 9
// Setup TFT colors
//Specify GPIO of pin that the positive lead of piezo buzzer is attached.
int piezoPin = 15;
// Bar gragh size and position
int barWidth = 20;
float barHeight = 144.0;
int barX = 100;
int barY = 8;
// Measurement Declarations for Sensor
int alarmEnabled = 1;
int rawValue = 20; // Measurement from the sensor in mm
int minDist = 20; // The closest reading to the sensor in mm: 100% full
int maxDist = 120; // The furthest reading from the sensor in mm: 0% full
int lastPercent = 0;
int newPercent;
int alertPercent = 20;
int grainsPerMM = 12;
int grainsLeft = 0;
int grainsAdded = 50; // For measuring grains per mm
int grainsAddedStart = 0;
int grainsAddedFinish = 0;
int alertPercentGrains = 0;
// For saving some variables to EEPROM, only need minDist, maDist, alertPercent, and grainsPerMM
// TODO form into struct: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/1053
#define MIN_DIST_ADDR 0
#define MAX_DIST_ADDR MIN_DIST_ADDR + sizeof(int)
#define ALERT_PERCENT_ADDR MAX_DIST_ADDR + sizeof(int)
// Strings for displaying text
String textRawSensorValue = "Distance:";
String textGrainsLeft = "GR Left:";
// Define the number of samples to keep track of. The higher the number, the
// more the readings will be smoothed, but the slower the output will respond to
// the input. Using a constant rather than a normal variable lets us use this
// value to determine the size of the readings array.
// 10 seemed too fast
const int numReadings = 35;
int readings[numReadings]; // the readings from the sensor input
int readIndex = 0; // the index of the current reading
int total = 0; // the running total
int average = 0; // the average
int drawOverlayField = 0; //change this when you click a certain prompt
bool buttonPressed = 0;
int aPer = 0;
int lastAPer = 1000;
int *editField;
// Function definitions
void doDrawOverlayField(int min, int max);
int checkEEPROM(int ADDR, int value, int min, int max);
void readSensor();
void writeToScreen();
void drawScale();
void drawBar(float nPer);
void writePercentText(int nPer);
void writeSensorValues(int sensorValue);
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR timerIsr()
// Start ArduinoMenu
result saveEEPROMQuit()
return quit;
result rebootESP()
return proceed;
result setGrainsSave()
Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
Serial.print("Writing: ");
return quit;
result alertPercentSave()
Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
Serial.print("Writing: ");
return quit;
result alarmEnabledSave()
Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
Serial.print("Writing: ");
EEPROM.put(ALARM_BUZZER_ADDR, alarmEnabled);
return quit;
result measureGrainsStart(eventMask e)
grainsAddedStart = rawValue;
return proceed;
result measureGrainsAdded(eventMask e)
grainsAddedFinish = rawValue;
grainsPerMM = grainsAdded / (grainsAddedStart - grainsAddedFinish);
Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
Serial.print("Writing: ");
return proceed;
result measureMinLevel(eventMask e)
maxDist = rawValue;
Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
Serial.print("Writing maxDist: ");
return proceed;
result measureMaxLevel(eventMask e)
minDist = rawValue;
Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
Serial.print("Writing minDist: ");
return proceed;
result showEvent(eventMask e, navNode &nav, prompt &item)
Serial.print("event: ");
return proceed;
result editAlarmLevel()
drawOverlayField = 1;
return proceed;
result editGrainsPerMM()
drawOverlayField = 2;
return proceed;
MENU(subMenuAlertPercent, "Set Alarm Level", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, OP("Edit Alarm Level", editAlarmLevel, enterEvent), FIELD(alertPercentGrains, "Alarm in GR:", "GR", 0, 10000, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", alertPercentSave, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));
MENU(subMenuCalibrate, "Calibrate Height", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, FIELD(rawValue, "Current Dist:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, NULL, enterEvent, noStyle), OP("Measure Empty Level", measureMinLevel, enterEvent), OP("Measure Full Level", measureMaxLevel, enterEvent), FIELD(maxDist, "Empty Level:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), FIELD(minDist, "Full Level:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", saveEEPROMQuit, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));
MENU(subMenuMeasureGrains, "Measure Grains/mm", showEvent, noEvent, wrapStyle, FIELD(rawValue, "Current Dist:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, NULL, enterEvent, noStyle), FIELD(grainsAdded, "Grains to Add:", "GR", 0, 250, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("Measure Low Distance", measureGrainsStart, enterEvent), OP("Measure High Distance", measureGrainsAdded, enterEvent), FIELD(grainsAddedStart, "Starting Distance:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), FIELD(grainsAddedFinish, "Finish Distance:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", saveEEPROMQuit, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));
MENU(subMenuSetGrains, "Set Grains/mm", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, OP("Set Grains/mm", editGrainsPerMM, enterEvent), FIELD(grainsPerMM, "Grains/mm:", "GR/mm", 0, 100, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", setGrainsSave, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));
CHOOSE(alarmEnabled, alarmBuzzerChoose, "Alarm Buzzer:", doNothing, noEvent, noStyle, VALUE("On", 1, doNothing, noEvent), VALUE("Off", 0, doNothing, noEvent));
MENU(subMenuAlarmBuzzer, "Alarm Buzzer On/Off", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, SUBMENU(alarmBuzzerChoose), OP("<Save to EEPROM", alarmEnabledSave, enterEvent),EXIT("<Back"));
MENU(mainMenu, "POWDER LEVEL SENSOR", doNothing, noEvent, wrapStyle, SUBMENU(subMenuCalibrate), SUBMENU(subMenuAlertPercent), SUBMENU(subMenuMeasureGrains), SUBMENU(subMenuSetGrains), SUBMENU(subMenuAlarmBuzzer), EXIT("Exit Menu"));
#define MAX_DEPTH 3
// define menu colors-- ------------------------------------------------------
#define Black RGB565(0, 0, 0)
#define Red RGB565(255, 0, 0)
#define Green RGB565(0, 255, 0)
#define Blue RGB565(0, 0, 255)
#define Gray RGB565(128, 128, 128)
#define LighterRed RGB565(255, 150, 150)
#define LighterGreen RGB565(150, 255, 150)
#define LighterBlue RGB565(150, 150, 255)
#define LighterGray RGB565(211, 211, 211)
#define DarkerRed RGB565(150, 0, 0)
#define DarkerGreen RGB565(0, 150, 0)
#define DarkerBlue RGB565(0, 0, 150)
#define Cyan RGB565(0, 255, 255)
#define Magenta RGB565(255, 0, 255)
#define Yellow RGB565(255, 255, 0)
#define White RGB565(255, 255, 255)
#define DarkerOrange RGB565(255, 140, 0)
// TFT color table
const colorDef<uint16_t> colors[] MEMMODE = {
//{{disabled normal,disabled selected},{enabled normal,enabled selected, enabled editing}}
{{(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Black}, {(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)Red}}, //bgColor
{{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}, {(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}}, //fgColor
{{(uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)Red}, {(uint16_t)Yellow, (uint16_t)Yellow, (uint16_t)Yellow}}, //valColor
{{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}, {(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}}, //unitColor
{{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)Gray}, {(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)White}}, //cursorColor
{{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)Yellow}, {(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)Red}}, //titleColor
constMEM panel panels[] MEMMODE = {{0, 0, GFX_WIDTH / fontW, GFX_HEIGHT / fontH}}; // Main menu panel
navNode *nodes[sizeof(panels) / sizeof(panel)]; //navNodes to store navigation status
panelsList pList(panels, nodes, sizeof(panels) / sizeof(panel)); //a list of panels and nodes
idx_t eSpiTops[MAX_DEPTH] = {0};
TFT_eSPIOut eSpiOut(gfx, colors, eSpiTops, pList, fontW, fontH + 1);
idx_t serialTops[MAX_DEPTH] = {0};
serialOut outSerial(Serial, serialTops);
menuOut *constMEM outputs[] MEMMODE = {&eSpiOut, &outSerial}; //list of output devices
outputsList out(outputs, sizeof(outputs) / sizeof(menuOut *)); //outputs list
MENU_INPUTS(in, &encStream, &serial); // removed: &encButton,
NAVROOT(nav, mainMenu, MAX_DEPTH, in, out);
void setup()
pinMode(encBtn, INPUT_PULLUP); // Was: INPUT_PULLUP but already has pullup resistor on it
while (!Serial)
// STart the TFT
// Start the VL6180X
// initialize all the readings from the VL6180x to 0
for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++)
readings[thisReading] = 0;
// commit 512 bytes of ESP8266 flash (for "EEPROM" emulation)
// this step actually loads the content (512 bytes) of flash into
// a 512-byte-array cache in RAM
Serial.println("Starting EEPROM");
// Read values from EEPROM into the variables if they fit in the min-max range
minDist = checkEEPROM(MIN_DIST_ADDR, minDist, 0, 250);
maxDist = checkEEPROM(MAX_DIST_ADDR, maxDist, 0, 250);
alertPercent = checkEEPROM(ALERT_PERCENT_ADDR, alertPercent, 0, 100);
grainsPerMM = checkEEPROM(GRAINS_PER_MM_ADDR, grainsPerMM, 0, 100);
alarmEnabled = checkEEPROM(ALARM_BUZZER_ADDR, alarmEnabled, 0, 1);
subMenuCalibrate[0].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the first item in the subMenuCalibrate
subMenuCalibrate[3].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the third item in the subMenuCalibrate
subMenuCalibrate[4].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the fourth item in the subMenuCalibrate
subMenuMeasureGrains[0].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the first item in the subMenuMeasureGrains
subMenuMeasureGrains[4].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the fourth item in the subMenuMeasureGrains
subMenuMeasureGrains[5].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the fifth item in the subMenuMeasureGrains
subMenuAlertPercent[1].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the second item in the subMenuAlertPercent
subMenuSetGrains[1].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the second item in the subMenuSetGrains
nav.showTitle = true; // Show titles in the menus and submenus
nav.timeOut = 60; // Timeout after 60 seconds of inactivity and return to the sensor read screen
nav.idleOn(); // Start with the main screen and not the menu
ticker.attach(0.001, timerIsr);
void loop()
// Slow down the menu redraw rate
constexpr int menuFPS = 1000 / 30;
static unsigned long lastMenuFrame = -menuFPS;
unsigned long now = millis();
//... other stuff on loop, will keep executing
switch (drawOverlayField)
case 1:
editField = &alertPercent;
doDrawOverlayField(0, 100);
case 2:
editField = &grainsPerMM;
doDrawOverlayField(0, 100);
if (now - lastMenuFrame >= menuFPS)
lastMenuFrame = millis();
readSensor(); // Constantly read the sensor in and out of the menu
nav.poll(); // Poll the input devices
if (nav.sleepTask)
writeToScreen(); // If the menu system is not active, draw the main screen
// Draw the alertPercent value passed onto the screen overwriting the menu until done
void doDrawOverlayField(int min, int max)
char charAlertPercent[7];
String paddingSpaces = "";
String tempPercent = "";
int alertPercentDrawX = 10;
// Draw the value and background if the value has changed
if (*editField != lastAPer)
{ // Replaced alertPercent
lastAPer = *editField; //alertPercent;
aPer = *editField; //alertPercent;
// Draw the background over the menu
gfx.drawRect(9, 9, 110, 142, ALERTCOLOR);
gfx.fillRect(10, 10, 108, 140, BACKCOLOR);
// Keep the percent from dropping below 0% or over 100%
if (aPer < min)
aPer = min;
if (aPer > max)
aPer = max;
// convert to a string
String aPercent = String(aPer);
// Pad the value with leading spaces to keep it right-aligned
if (aPer < 10)
paddingSpaces = " ";
else if (aPer < 100)
paddingSpaces = " ";
paddingSpaces = "";
// Append the percent symbol
switch (drawOverlayField)
case 1:
aPercent += "%";
case 2:
aPercent += "gr";
int paddingSpacesIndex = paddingSpaces.length() - 1;
alertPercentDrawX = 20;
tempPercent = paddingSpaces + aPercent;
// add to an array
tempPercent.toCharArray(charAlertPercent, 5);
// Set size and color then print out the text
gfx.drawString(charAlertPercent, alertPercentDrawX, 50);
// Update the encoder and add it to alertPercent
int encoderPos = clickEncoder.getValue();
if (encoderPos != 0)
*editField += encoderPos;
} // Replaced alertPercent
// See if encoder button is open or closed to exit the menu
// From ClickEncoder ESP8266Example.ino
ClickEncoder::Button b = clickEncoder.getButton();
if (b == ClickEncoder::Clicked)
buttonPressed = 1;
if (buttonPressed)
buttonPressed = 0; // reset the button status so one press results in one action
gfx.setTextSize(1); // Reset the text size so the menu looks right
lastAPer = 1000; // Reset lastAPer so it will always draw the next time it is run
drawOverlayField = 0; // Set to false to get back to the menu
delay(1000); // Pause for a second to not be pressing the button back in the menu
subMenuAlertPercent.dirty = true; // Tell the submenu to redraw itself
subMenuSetGrains.dirty = true;
if (alarmEnabled)
// Check each address in EEPROM if the values fit into the range passed, read them into memory
int checkEEPROM(int ADDR, int value, int min, int max)
int tempEEPROM = EEPROM.read(ADDR);
Serial.print("ADDR: ");
Serial.print("value: ");
if (tempEEPROM >= min && tempEEPROM <= max)
return tempEEPROM;
return value;
// Determine if the bar graph and displayed values need updating
void writeToScreen()
if (newPercent != lastPercent)
drawScale(); // Set to always draw the scale
// Smoothly grab the new reading from the sensor and average to smooth
void readSensor()
// subtract the last reading:
total = total - readings[readIndex];
// read from the sensor:
readings[readIndex] = sensor.readRangeSingleMillimeters();
// add the reading to the total:
total = total + readings[readIndex];
// advance to the next position in the array:
readIndex = readIndex + 1;
// if we're at the end of the array...
if (readIndex >= numReadings)
// ...wrap around to the beginning:
readIndex = 0;
// calculate the average:
average = total / numReadings;
// send it to the computer as ASCII digits
rawValue = average;
// delay(1); // delay in between reads for stability
// Calculate the percent based on the reading and the range of minDist and maxDist
newPercent = ((maxDist - rawValue) * 100) / (maxDist - minDist);
// Calculate the alet percent in grains value for the menu screen
alertPercentGrains = (grainsPerMM * (maxDist - minDist) * alertPercent) / 100;
// Debugging if the sensor isn't working correctly
// Serial.println("rawValue: ");
// Serial.println(rawValue);
// Serial.println("newPercent: ");
// Serial.println(newPercent);
// delay(100);
// Draw the bar graph outline on the right of the main screen
// HEAVILY influenced by: http://henrysbench.capnfatz.com/henrys-bench/arduino-adafruit-gfx-library-user-guide/arduino-adafruit-gfx-bar-graph/
// and also: https://www.hackster.io/LightPro/tft-graphing-bar-charts-185436
void drawScale()
gfx.drawFastVLine(barX, barY, barHeight, SCALECOLOR); // Vertical Scale Line Left
gfx.drawFastVLine(barX + barWidth, barY, barHeight, SCALECOLOR); // Vertical Scale Line Right
gfx.drawFastHLine(barX, barY, barWidth, SCALECOLOR); // Horizantal Scale Top
gfx.drawFastHLine(barX, barHeight + barY - 1, barWidth, SCALECOLOR); // Horizantal Scale Bottom, subtract 1 from Y
// Draw the bar graph value on the main screen
void drawBar(float nPer)
// Create a local variable to hold the bar color and change it based on the alert percent
if (nPer <= alertPercent)
if (alarmEnabled)
tone(piezoPin, 60, 500);
if (alarmEnabled)
// Check if above 100% and set the bar to 100% to keep it in the scale
if (nPer > 100.0)
nPer = 100.0;
// Check if below 0% and set the bar to 0% to keep it in the scale
if (nPer < 0.0)
nPer = 0.0;
// Variable to do the math for the bar height value
float backBarHeight = barHeight / 100 * (100 - nPer);
// Fill the bar with the background color
gfx.fillRect(barX + 1, barY + 1, barWidth - 1, backBarHeight, BACKCOLOR);
// Add a bit of the background color above the bar if the percent is below 100%
// Keeps a green bar from being stuck above the bar if the value ever went above 100%
if (nPer <= 100)
gfx.fillRect(barX + 1, 0, barWidth - 1, barY, BACKCOLOR);
// Debugging code for the value of the bar
tft.setTextColor(TEXTCOLOR, BACKCOLOR); // Make sure the previous text is overwritten
char charbackBarHeight[5];
tft.drawString(dtostrf(backBarHeight, 6, 0, charbackBarHeight),10,100);
// Variables to do the math for the filled bar graph
float greenBarStart = barY + 1 + backBarHeight;
float greenBarHeight = ((barHeight - 1) / 100 * nPer) - 1;
gfx.fillRect(barX + 1, greenBarStart, barWidth - 1, greenBarHeight, GRAPHCOLOR);
// Debugging code for the value of the bar
char chargreenBarStart[5];
char chargreenBarHeight[5];
tft.drawString(dtostrf(greenBarStart, 6, 0, chargreenBarStart), 10, 110);
tft.drawString(dtostrf(greenBarHeight, 6, 0, chargreenBarHeight), 10, 120);
// Change the value of last percent to new percent to use in the main loop after drawing
// lastPercent = nPer;
// Write the main screen large percent value
void writePercentText(int nPer)
// TODO Move to pointers and char arrays instead of Strings in the future
char *results_p[2];
result_p[0] = myNewCombinedArray;
result_p[1] = anotherArray;
// Or two dimentional char arrays...
char results[2][32];
strcpy(results[0], myNewCombinedArray);
strcpy(results[1], anotherArray);
char displayPercent[5];
String paddingSpaces = "";
String tempPercent = "";
// Keep the percent from dropping to -100% so it doesn't cut off the percent symbol
if (nPer < 0)
nPer = 0;
// convert to a string
String dPercent = String(nPer);
// Append the percent symbol
dPercent += "%";
// Pad the value with leading spaces to keep it right-aligned
if (nPer < 10)
paddingSpaces = " ";
else if (nPer < 100)
paddingSpaces = " ";
paddingSpaces = "";
tempPercent = paddingSpaces + dPercent;
// add to an array
tempPercent.toCharArray(displayPercent, 5);
if (nPer <= alertPercent)
{ // Write the percent in the alert color or the normal text color
// print out and erase
gfx.drawString(displayPercent, 2, 50);
// Display the raw value from the distance sensor with a small label and the grains remaining
void writeSensorValues(int sensorValue)
// Char arrays for displaying values
char displayValue[7];
char displayGrainsLeft[6];
// convert sensor value to a string
String sValue = String(sensorValue);
// Append the units and a space to erase the floating 0 when the sensorValue drops from three digits to two
sValue += "mm ";
// add to an array
sValue.toCharArray(displayValue, 7);
// Write the values to the screen
gfx.setTextColor(TEXTCOLOR, BACKCOLOR); // Make sure the previous text is overwritten
gfx.drawString(textRawSensorValue, 2, 140);
gfx.drawString(displayValue, 58, 140);
// Calculate grains left
grainsLeft = (maxDist - sensorValue) * grainsPerMM; // New formula
if (grainsLeft < 0)
grainsLeft = 0;
/* // Display the readings for debugging the calculation
Serial.print("grainsLeft: ");
Serial.print("grainsPerMM: ");
Serial.print("sensorValue: ");
// convert to a string
String gLeft = String(grainsLeft);
// Append a space to erase the floating 0 when the value drops by a digit
gLeft += " ";
// add to an array
gLeft.toCharArray(displayGrainsLeft, 6);
// Write the values to the screen
gfx.drawString(textGrainsLeft, 2, 120);
gfx.drawString(displayGrainsLeft, 51, 120);
Thank you for your help.