Upload issue with ESP8266


I have a project to replicate another project, but at the time of uploading, here is the issue I am encountering.

c:\Users\lcper\Documents\Arduino\libraries\WebSockets\src\WebSocketsServer.cpp: In member function 'void WebSocketsServer::handleNewClients()':
c:\Users\lcper\Documents\Arduino\libraries\WebSockets\src\WebSocketsServer.cpp:667:90: error: 'class WiFiServer' has no member named 'accept'
             WEBSOCKETS_NETWORK_CLASS * tcpClient = new WEBSOCKETS_NETWORK_CLASS(_server->accept());

exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1
extern "C"
{ //esp8266 stuff
#include "user_interface.h"
#include <menu.h>
#include <menuIO/serialIO.h>
#include <menuIO/esp8266Out.h>
#include <menuIO/clickEncoderIn.h>
#include <menuIO/chainStream.h>
#include <menuIO/TFT_eSPIOut.h> // Edit User_Setup.h in TFT_eSPI folder for your setup
#include <streamFlow.h>         // https://github.com/neu-rah/streamFlow
#include <Ticker.h>
#include <ClickEncoder.h> // https://github.com/soligen2010/encoder
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>     // https://github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI
#include <VL6180X.h>      // https://github.com/pololu/vl6180x-arduino
#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

// TFT Wiring:
// SainSmart   ESP8266    Description
//   Names      Pins
//  GND  1      GND       // Obvious
//  VCC  2      3V3       // Obvious
//  SCK  3      CLK       // Must be CLK when TFT_SPI_OVERLAP is defined
//  SDA  4      SD1       // Must be SD1 when TFT_SPI_OVERLAP is defined
//  RES  5      RST       // Could be on GND when RST is set to -1
//  RS   6      D5        // Could be another open pin
//  CS   7      D3        // Must be D3 when TFT_SPI_OVERLAP is defined
//  LEDA 8      VIN       // Might need to be on 3.3v but I have been running it on VIN 5V YMMV

// Rotary Encoder Wiring:
// KY-040     ESP8266    Description
//  Pins       Pins
//  GND        GND       // Obvious
//  +          3V3       // Obvious
//  SW         D4        // Could be any good input pin
//  DT         D6        // Could be any good input pin
//  CLK        D7        // Could be any good input pin

// VL6180X Wiring:
// VL6180X     ESP8266    Description
//   Pins       Pins
//  VIN         3V3       // Obvious
//  GND         GND       // Obvious
//  SCL         D1        // Hardcoded on ESP8266 so must be D1
//  SDA         D2        // Hardcoded on ESP8266 so must be D2

// Alarm Buzzer Wiring:
//  Buzzer     ESP8266    Description
//   Wire       Pins
//  Red         D8       // Could be any good input pin *EXCEPT GPIO 3 or 11*
//  Black       GND      //  Wire a 100 ohm resistor inline betwen the buzzer and the gnd

using namespace Menu;

// No need to declare pins for 6180 sensor if you use the standard pins on ESP8266
//SDA=4 => D2.
//SCL=5 => D1

// Define pins for rotary encoder
// Corresponds to the GPIO For the Pin
// Google Image Search "ESP8266 Pinout" 
#define encA 12
#define encB 13
#define encBtn 2
#define encSteps 4

// Declare the clickEncoder
ClickEncoder clickEncoder(encA, encB, encBtn, encSteps);
ClickEncoderStream encStream(clickEncoder, 1);

// Start the serial input for ArduinoMenu
serialIn serial(Serial);

// Declare the timer
Ticker ticker;

// Declare the TFT
TFT_eSPI gfx = TFT_eSPI();

// Declare the distance sensor
VL6180X sensor;

// Define the width and height of the TFT and how much of it to take up
#define GFX_WIDTH 160
#define GFX_HEIGHT 128
#define fontW 6
#define fontH 9

// Setup TFT colors

//Specify GPIO of pin that the positive lead of piezo buzzer is attached.
int piezoPin = 15;

// Bar gragh size and position
int barWidth = 20;
float barHeight = 144.0;
int barX = 100;
int barY = 8;

// Measurement Declarations for Sensor
int alarmEnabled = 1;
int rawValue = 20; // Measurement from the sensor in mm
int minDist = 20;  // The closest reading to the sensor in mm: 100% full
int maxDist = 120; // The furthest reading from the sensor in mm: 0% full
int lastPercent = 0;
int newPercent;
int alertPercent = 20;
int grainsPerMM = 12;
int grainsLeft = 0;
int grainsAdded = 50; // For measuring grains per mm
int grainsAddedStart = 0;
int grainsAddedFinish = 0;
int alertPercentGrains = 0;


// For saving some variables to EEPROM, only need minDist, maDist, alertPercent, and grainsPerMM
// TODO form into struct: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/1053
#define MIN_DIST_ADDR 0
#define MAX_DIST_ADDR MIN_DIST_ADDR + sizeof(int)
#define ALERT_PERCENT_ADDR MAX_DIST_ADDR + sizeof(int)

// Strings for displaying text
String textRawSensorValue = "Distance:";
String textGrainsLeft = "GR Left:";

// Define the number of samples to keep track of. The higher the number, the
// more the readings will be smoothed, but the slower the output will respond to
// the input. Using a constant rather than a normal variable lets us use this
// value to determine the size of the readings array.
// 10 seemed too fast
const int numReadings = 35;

int readings[numReadings]; // the readings from the sensor input
int readIndex = 0;         // the index of the current reading
int total = 0;             // the running total
int average = 0;           // the average

int drawOverlayField = 0; //change this when you click a certain prompt
bool buttonPressed = 0;
int aPer = 0;
int lastAPer = 1000;
int *editField;

// Function definitions
void doDrawOverlayField(int min, int max);
int checkEEPROM(int ADDR, int value, int min, int max);
void readSensor();
void writeToScreen();
void drawScale();
void drawBar(float nPer);
void writePercentText(int nPer);
void writeSensorValues(int sensorValue);
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR timerIsr()

// Start ArduinoMenu
result saveEEPROMQuit()
  return quit;

result rebootESP()
  return proceed;

result setGrainsSave()
  Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
  Serial.print("Writing: ");
  return quit;

result alertPercentSave()
  Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
  Serial.print("Writing: ");
  EEPROM.put(ALERT_PERCENT_ADDR, alertPercent);
  return quit;

result alarmEnabledSave()
  Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
  Serial.print("Writing: ");
  EEPROM.put(ALARM_BUZZER_ADDR, alarmEnabled);
  return quit;

result measureGrainsStart(eventMask e)
  grainsAddedStart = rawValue;
  return proceed;

result measureGrainsAdded(eventMask e)
  grainsAddedFinish = rawValue;
  grainsPerMM = grainsAdded / (grainsAddedStart - grainsAddedFinish);
  Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
  Serial.print("Writing: ");
  return proceed;

result measureMinLevel(eventMask e)
  maxDist = rawValue;
  Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
  Serial.print("Writing maxDist: ");
  EEPROM.put(MAX_DIST_ADDR, maxDist);
  return proceed;

result measureMaxLevel(eventMask e)
  minDist = rawValue;
  Serial.print("Writing to EEPROM location: ");
  Serial.print("Writing minDist: ");
  EEPROM.put(MIN_DIST_ADDR, minDist);
  return proceed;

result showEvent(eventMask e, navNode &nav, prompt &item)
  Serial.print("event: ");
  return proceed;

result editAlarmLevel()
  drawOverlayField = 1;
  return proceed;

result editGrainsPerMM()
  drawOverlayField = 2;
  return proceed;

MENU(subMenuAlertPercent, "Set Alarm Level", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, OP("Edit Alarm Level", editAlarmLevel, enterEvent), FIELD(alertPercentGrains, "Alarm in GR:", "GR", 0, 10000, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", alertPercentSave, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));

MENU(subMenuCalibrate, "Calibrate Height", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, FIELD(rawValue, "Current Dist:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, NULL, enterEvent, noStyle), OP("Measure Empty Level", measureMinLevel, enterEvent), OP("Measure Full Level", measureMaxLevel, enterEvent), FIELD(maxDist, "Empty Level:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), FIELD(minDist, "Full Level:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", saveEEPROMQuit, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));

MENU(subMenuMeasureGrains, "Measure Grains/mm", showEvent, noEvent, wrapStyle, FIELD(rawValue, "Current Dist:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, NULL, enterEvent, noStyle), FIELD(grainsAdded, "Grains to Add:", "GR", 0, 250, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("Measure Low Distance", measureGrainsStart, enterEvent), OP("Measure High Distance", measureGrainsAdded, enterEvent), FIELD(grainsAddedStart, "Starting Distance:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), FIELD(grainsAddedFinish, "Finish Distance:", "mm", 0, 255, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", saveEEPROMQuit, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));

MENU(subMenuSetGrains, "Set Grains/mm", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, OP("Set Grains/mm", editGrainsPerMM, enterEvent), FIELD(grainsPerMM, "Grains/mm:", "GR/mm", 0, 100, 10, 1, doNothing, noEvent, noStyle), OP("<Save to EEPROM", setGrainsSave, enterEvent), EXIT("<Back"));

CHOOSE(alarmEnabled, alarmBuzzerChoose, "Alarm Buzzer:", doNothing, noEvent, noStyle, VALUE("On", 1, doNothing, noEvent), VALUE("Off", 0, doNothing, noEvent));

MENU(subMenuAlarmBuzzer, "Alarm Buzzer On/Off", showEvent, noEvent, noStyle, SUBMENU(alarmBuzzerChoose), OP("<Save to EEPROM", alarmEnabledSave, enterEvent),EXIT("<Back"));

MENU(mainMenu, "POWDER LEVEL SENSOR", doNothing, noEvent, wrapStyle, SUBMENU(subMenuCalibrate), SUBMENU(subMenuAlertPercent), SUBMENU(subMenuMeasureGrains), SUBMENU(subMenuSetGrains), SUBMENU(subMenuAlarmBuzzer), EXIT("Exit Menu"));

#define MAX_DEPTH 3

// define menu colors-- ------------------------------------------------------
#define Black RGB565(0, 0, 0)
#define Red RGB565(255, 0, 0)
#define Green RGB565(0, 255, 0)
#define Blue RGB565(0, 0, 255)
#define Gray RGB565(128, 128, 128)
#define LighterRed RGB565(255, 150, 150)
#define LighterGreen RGB565(150, 255, 150)
#define LighterBlue RGB565(150, 150, 255)
#define LighterGray RGB565(211, 211, 211)
#define DarkerRed RGB565(150, 0, 0)
#define DarkerGreen RGB565(0, 150, 0)
#define DarkerBlue RGB565(0, 0, 150)
#define Cyan RGB565(0, 255, 255)
#define Magenta RGB565(255, 0, 255)
#define Yellow RGB565(255, 255, 0)
#define White RGB565(255, 255, 255)
#define DarkerOrange RGB565(255, 140, 0)

// TFT color table
const colorDef<uint16_t> colors[] MEMMODE = {
    //{{disabled normal,disabled selected},{enabled normal,enabled selected, enabled editing}}
    {{(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Black}, {(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)Red}},     //bgColor
    {{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}, {(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}}, //fgColor
    {{(uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)Red}, {(uint16_t)Yellow, (uint16_t)Yellow, (uint16_t)Yellow}},  //valColor
    {{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}, {(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)White}}, //unitColor
    {{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)Gray}, {(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)White}},    //cursorColor
    {{(uint16_t)White, (uint16_t)Yellow}, {(uint16_t)Black, (uint16_t)Red, (uint16_t)Red}},    //titleColor

constMEM panel panels[] MEMMODE = {{0, 0, GFX_WIDTH / fontW, GFX_HEIGHT / fontH}}; // Main menu panel
navNode *nodes[sizeof(panels) / sizeof(panel)];                                    //navNodes to store navigation status
panelsList pList(panels, nodes, sizeof(panels) / sizeof(panel));                   //a list of panels and nodes
idx_t eSpiTops[MAX_DEPTH] = {0};
TFT_eSPIOut eSpiOut(gfx, colors, eSpiTops, pList, fontW, fontH + 1);
idx_t serialTops[MAX_DEPTH] = {0};
serialOut outSerial(Serial, serialTops);
menuOut *constMEM outputs[] MEMMODE = {&eSpiOut, &outSerial};  //list of output devices
outputsList out(outputs, sizeof(outputs) / sizeof(menuOut *)); //outputs list
MENU_INPUTS(in, &encStream, &serial);                          // removed: &encButton,
NAVROOT(nav, mainMenu, MAX_DEPTH, in, out);

void setup()
  pinMode(encBtn, INPUT_PULLUP); // Was: INPUT_PULLUP but already has pullup resistor on it


  while (!Serial)

  // STart the TFT

  // Start the VL6180X

  // initialize all the readings from the VL6180x to 0
  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++)
    readings[thisReading] = 0;

  // commit 512 bytes of ESP8266 flash (for "EEPROM" emulation)
  // this step actually loads the content (512 bytes) of flash into
  // a 512-byte-array cache in RAM
  Serial.println("Starting EEPROM");
  // Read values from EEPROM into the variables if they fit in the min-max range
  minDist = checkEEPROM(MIN_DIST_ADDR, minDist, 0, 250);
  maxDist = checkEEPROM(MAX_DIST_ADDR, maxDist, 0, 250);
  alertPercent = checkEEPROM(ALERT_PERCENT_ADDR, alertPercent, 0, 100);
  grainsPerMM = checkEEPROM(GRAINS_PER_MM_ADDR, grainsPerMM, 0, 100);
  alarmEnabled = checkEEPROM(ALARM_BUZZER_ADDR, alarmEnabled, 0, 1);

  subMenuCalibrate[0].enabled = disabledStatus;     // Disables the first item in the subMenuCalibrate
  subMenuCalibrate[3].enabled = disabledStatus;     // Disables the third item in the subMenuCalibrate
  subMenuCalibrate[4].enabled = disabledStatus;     // Disables the fourth item in the subMenuCalibrate
  subMenuMeasureGrains[0].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the first item in the subMenuMeasureGrains
  subMenuMeasureGrains[4].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the fourth item in the subMenuMeasureGrains
  subMenuMeasureGrains[5].enabled = disabledStatus; // Disables the fifth item in the subMenuMeasureGrains
  subMenuAlertPercent[1].enabled = disabledStatus;  // Disables the second item in the subMenuAlertPercent
  subMenuSetGrains[1].enabled = disabledStatus;     // Disables the second item in the subMenuSetGrains

  nav.showTitle = true; // Show titles in the menus and submenus
  nav.timeOut = 60;     // Timeout after 60 seconds of inactivity and return to the sensor read screen
  nav.idleOn();         // Start with the main screen and not the menu

  ticker.attach(0.001, timerIsr);

void loop()
  // Slow down the menu redraw rate
  constexpr int menuFPS = 1000 / 30;
  static unsigned long lastMenuFrame = -menuFPS;
  unsigned long now = millis();
  //... other stuff on loop, will keep executing

  switch (drawOverlayField)
  case 1:
    editField = &alertPercent;
    doDrawOverlayField(0, 100);
  case 2:
    editField = &grainsPerMM;
    doDrawOverlayField(0, 100);
    if (now - lastMenuFrame >= menuFPS)
      lastMenuFrame = millis();
      readSensor(); // Constantly read the sensor in and out of the menu
      nav.poll();   // Poll the input devices
      if (nav.sleepTask)
        writeToScreen(); // If the menu system is not active, draw the main screen

// Draw the alertPercent value passed onto the screen overwriting the menu until done
void doDrawOverlayField(int min, int max)
  char charAlertPercent[7];
  String paddingSpaces = "";
  String tempPercent = "";
  int alertPercentDrawX = 10;

  // Draw the value and background if the value has changed
  if (*editField != lastAPer)
  {                        // Replaced alertPercent
    lastAPer = *editField; //alertPercent;
    aPer = *editField;     //alertPercent;
    // Draw the background over the menu
    gfx.drawRect(9, 9, 110, 142, ALERTCOLOR);
    gfx.fillRect(10, 10, 108, 140, BACKCOLOR);

    // Keep the percent from dropping below 0% or over 100%
    if (aPer < min)
      aPer = min;
    if (aPer > max)
      aPer = max;

    // convert to a string
    String aPercent = String(aPer);

    // Pad the value with leading spaces to keep it right-aligned
    if (aPer < 10)
      paddingSpaces = "  ";
    else if (aPer < 100)
      paddingSpaces = " ";
      paddingSpaces = "";

    // Append the percent symbol
    switch (drawOverlayField)
    case 1:
      aPercent += "%";
    case 2:
      aPercent += "gr";
      int paddingSpacesIndex = paddingSpaces.length() - 1;
      alertPercentDrawX = 20;

    tempPercent = paddingSpaces + aPercent;

    // add to an array
    tempPercent.toCharArray(charAlertPercent, 5);

    // Set size and color then print out the text
    gfx.setTextColor(ALERTCOLOR, BACKCOLOR);
    gfx.drawString(charAlertPercent, alertPercentDrawX, 50);

  // Update the encoder and add it to alertPercent
  int encoderPos = clickEncoder.getValue();
  if (encoderPos != 0)
    *editField += encoderPos;
  } // Replaced alertPercent

  // See if encoder button is open or closed to exit the menu
  // From ClickEncoder ESP8266Example.ino
  ClickEncoder::Button b = clickEncoder.getButton();
  if (b == ClickEncoder::Clicked)
    buttonPressed = 1;

  if (buttonPressed)
    buttonPressed = 0;  // reset the button status so one press results in one action
    gfx.setTextSize(1); // Reset the text size so the menu looks right
    lastAPer = 1000;    // Reset lastAPer so it will always draw the next time it is run
    drawOverlayField = 0;             // Set to false to get back to the menu
    delay(1000);                      // Pause for a second to not be pressing the button back in the menu
    subMenuAlertPercent.dirty = true; // Tell the submenu to redraw itself
    subMenuSetGrains.dirty = true;
    if (alarmEnabled)

// Check each address in EEPROM if the values fit into the range passed, read them into memory
int checkEEPROM(int ADDR, int value, int min, int max)
  int tempEEPROM = EEPROM.read(ADDR);
  Serial.print("ADDR: ");
  Serial.print("value: ");
  if (tempEEPROM >= min && tempEEPROM <= max)
    return tempEEPROM;
    return value;

// Determine if the bar graph and displayed values need updating
void writeToScreen()
  if (newPercent != lastPercent)

  drawScale(); // Set to always draw the scale

// Smoothly grab the new reading from the sensor and average to smooth
void readSensor()
  // subtract the last reading:
  total = total - readings[readIndex];
  // read from the sensor:
  readings[readIndex] = sensor.readRangeSingleMillimeters();
  // add the reading to the total:
  total = total + readings[readIndex];
  // advance to the next position in the array:
  readIndex = readIndex + 1;

  // if we're at the end of the array...
  if (readIndex >= numReadings)
    // ...wrap around to the beginning:
    readIndex = 0;

  // calculate the average:
  average = total / numReadings;
  // send it to the computer as ASCII digits
  rawValue = average;
  //  delay(1);        // delay in between reads for stability

  // Calculate the percent based on the reading and the range of minDist and maxDist
  newPercent = ((maxDist - rawValue) * 100) / (maxDist - minDist);

  // Calculate the alet percent in grains value for the menu screen
  alertPercentGrains = (grainsPerMM * (maxDist - minDist) * alertPercent) / 100;

  // Debugging if the sensor isn't working correctly
  // Serial.println("rawValue: ");
  // Serial.println(rawValue);
  // Serial.println("newPercent: ");
  // Serial.println(newPercent);
  // delay(100);

// Draw the bar graph outline on the right of the main screen
// HEAVILY influenced by: http://henrysbench.capnfatz.com/henrys-bench/arduino-adafruit-gfx-library-user-guide/arduino-adafruit-gfx-bar-graph/
// and also: https://www.hackster.io/LightPro/tft-graphing-bar-charts-185436
void drawScale()
  gfx.drawFastVLine(barX, barY, barHeight, SCALECOLOR);                // Vertical Scale Line Left
  gfx.drawFastVLine(barX + barWidth, barY, barHeight, SCALECOLOR);     // Vertical Scale Line Right
  gfx.drawFastHLine(barX, barY, barWidth, SCALECOLOR);                 // Horizantal Scale Top
  gfx.drawFastHLine(barX, barHeight + barY - 1, barWidth, SCALECOLOR); // Horizantal Scale Bottom, subtract 1 from Y

// Draw the bar graph value on the main screen
void drawBar(float nPer)
  // Create a local variable to hold the bar color and change it based on the alert percent
  if (nPer <= alertPercent)
    if (alarmEnabled)
      tone(piezoPin, 60, 500);
    if (alarmEnabled)

  // Check if above 100% and set the bar to 100% to keep it in the scale
  if (nPer > 100.0)
    nPer = 100.0;

  // Check if below 0% and set the bar to 0% to keep it in the scale
  if (nPer < 0.0)
    nPer = 0.0;

  // Variable to do the math for the bar height value
  float backBarHeight = barHeight / 100 * (100 - nPer);

  // Fill the bar with the background color
  gfx.fillRect(barX + 1, barY + 1, barWidth - 1, backBarHeight, BACKCOLOR);

  // Add a bit of the background color above the bar if the percent is below 100%
  // Keeps a green bar from being stuck above the bar if the value ever went above 100%
  if (nPer <= 100)
    gfx.fillRect(barX + 1, 0, barWidth - 1, barY, BACKCOLOR);

  // Debugging code for the value of the bar
  tft.setTextColor(TEXTCOLOR, BACKCOLOR); // Make sure the previous text is overwritten
  char charbackBarHeight[5];
  tft.drawString(dtostrf(backBarHeight, 6, 0, charbackBarHeight),10,100);

  // Variables to do the math for the filled bar graph
  float greenBarStart = barY + 1 + backBarHeight;
  float greenBarHeight = ((barHeight - 1) / 100 * nPer) - 1;

  gfx.fillRect(barX + 1, greenBarStart, barWidth - 1, greenBarHeight, GRAPHCOLOR);

  // Debugging code for the value of the bar
  char chargreenBarStart[5];
  char chargreenBarHeight[5];
  tft.drawString(dtostrf(greenBarStart, 6, 0, chargreenBarStart), 10, 110);
  tft.drawString(dtostrf(greenBarHeight, 6, 0, chargreenBarHeight), 10, 120);

  // Change the value of last percent to new percent to use in the main loop after drawing
  //  lastPercent = nPer;

// Write the main screen large percent value
void writePercentText(int nPer)
  // TODO Move to pointers and char arrays instead of Strings in the future
  char *results_p[2];
  result_p[0] = myNewCombinedArray;
  result_p[1] = anotherArray;
  // Or two dimentional char arrays...
  char results[2][32];
  strcpy(results[0], myNewCombinedArray);
  strcpy(results[1], anotherArray);

  char displayPercent[5];
  String paddingSpaces = "";
  String tempPercent = "";

  // Keep the percent from dropping to -100% so it doesn't cut off the percent symbol
  if (nPer < 0)
    nPer = 0;

  // convert to a string
  String dPercent = String(nPer);
  // Append the percent symbol
  dPercent += "%";

  // Pad the value with leading spaces to keep it right-aligned
  if (nPer < 10)
    paddingSpaces = "  ";
  else if (nPer < 100)
    paddingSpaces = " ";
    paddingSpaces = "";

  tempPercent = paddingSpaces + dPercent;

  // add to an array
  tempPercent.toCharArray(displayPercent, 5);

  if (nPer <= alertPercent)
  { // Write the percent in the alert color or the normal text color
    gfx.setTextColor(ALERTCOLOR, BACKCOLOR);
    gfx.setTextColor(TEXTCOLOR, BACKCOLOR);
  // print out and erase
  gfx.drawString(displayPercent, 2, 50);

// Display the raw value from the distance sensor with a small label and the grains remaining
void writeSensorValues(int sensorValue)
  // Char arrays for displaying values
  char displayValue[7];
  char displayGrainsLeft[6];

  // convert sensor value to a string
  String sValue = String(sensorValue);
  // Append the units and a space to erase the floating 0 when the sensorValue drops from three digits to two
  sValue += "mm ";
  // add to an array
  sValue.toCharArray(displayValue, 7);
  // Write the values to the screen
  gfx.setTextColor(TEXTCOLOR, BACKCOLOR); // Make sure the previous text is overwritten
  gfx.drawString(textRawSensorValue, 2, 140);
  gfx.drawString(displayValue, 58, 140);

  // Calculate grains left
  grainsLeft = (maxDist - sensorValue) * grainsPerMM; // New formula
  if (grainsLeft < 0)
    grainsLeft = 0;
  /* // Display the readings for debugging the calculation
  Serial.print("grainsLeft: ");
  Serial.print("grainsPerMM: ");
  Serial.print("sensorValue: ");

  // convert to a string
  String gLeft = String(grainsLeft);
  // Append a space to erase the floating 0 when the value drops by a digit
  gLeft += " ";
  // add to an array
  gLeft.toCharArray(displayGrainsLeft, 6);
  // Write the values to the screen
  gfx.drawString(textGrainsLeft, 2, 120);
  gfx.drawString(displayGrainsLeft, 51, 120);

Thank you for your help.

Check your ESP8266 boards core version. If it is not at latest version, try updating it to latest. If it is at latest version, try previous version.

Great, it works, but my screen stays white.

Probably an entirely unrelated problem!

By the way, which of my 2 suggestions fixed the previous problem?

Have you tried an example sketch from the library for your display?

Note helping but please note that you did not have an upload issue but a programming issue :wink: