Upload issue with T-Display-S3, ESP32S3

Hi there!

I bought the new TDisplay from Lilygo. In the "preferences" I was able to add the url for the board manager of "esp32". So until then, everything was fine.

I wrote this simple program that I copied from youtube to test the display:
(This program should display the color of "color1" on the screen.)

#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();  
TFT_eSprite sprite= TFT_eSprite(&tft);

#define color1 0xF79E
#define color2 0xB1B1
#define color3 0x4A69

void setup() {

void drawGraph()

void loop() {

I was able to compile the program. Arduino IDE detected my board and started to upload the program.
The screen went black and the Reset LED started to blink very fast.

Now I don't know what to do, no program is working and my upload is still on:

Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...

Does someone know the solution to this problem?
Thank you!

To my knowledge that indicates that the upload completed.

Those are always very vague descriptions. Can you still upload but the sketch does not do what you expect it to do? Or do uploads now fail?

I'm not familiar with your board so can't help further. To let others help you, you mightwant to provide some more details like operating system and version of the IDE.

Hello there, thank you a lot for your answer!

Indeed, the program could upload, but in another way, nothing worked on the device I was programming. I tried to download and install Arduino IDE again, but nothing worked.

The problem was in the library, I deleted the Arduino library and download some new libraries. Now it's working fine again.

So, if someone has a similar issue to mine, hope he will check the library.

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