Upload OTA nano 33 iot

Good morning everyone. I want to post a problem that I've been trying to solve for days. I am using an Arduino nano 33 iot, I have uploaded a sketch to the Arduino cloud, correctly registered the device in >device<, I compile the project, with a positive outcome, but if the project exceeds (63% of program storage space) the programming via OTA fails. (63% programming OK - 64% programming unsuccessful.). I thank everyone in advance.

@GEST_MP i suspect is a download timeout issue. You should try to disabile the nano33iot watchdog.

change this line in your setup


to this

ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection, false)

Good evening, thank you for your answer to my problem, I solved the problem thank you very much, I hadn't thought about the watchdog. Thank you.

@GEST_MP , I found an other closed thread where you are trying to connect an ECU. I suppose you are working on a walbro TDD ecu. I also working on my side on this ecu range and I wonder if you accept to discuss about our project? Let me know if you are interested in.

Bye Julien