after some help from forumites here and elsewhere
I can now upload software using a pair of XRF modules
setup for dummies (er that's me )
get hold of two XRF modules (see link above)
one is local (connected to IDE); one is remote (connected to target Arduino)
I used an FTDI interface board (you need the 3.3v version)
connect (XRF - FTDI):
- ground to ground
- 3v3 XRF pin 1 to 3v3
- Tx XRF pin 2 to RXI
- Rx XRF pin 3 to TXO
- xrf pin 16 - DTR
plug in the first XRF
configure the remote XRF
fire up the XRF config manager
- select the serial port for the FTDI
- set the baud rate to 9600
- click Download config
on the General tab - select baud rate (ATBD) 115200 for UNO
- select baud rate (ATBD) 57600 for 8MHz 3v3 328 (that's what I used)
on the Remote Programming tab - type a two character Remote ID (ATRI)
- type the same two characters as Node ID (ATMY)
click Upload config (this just writes to the XRF)
click Apply changes (ATAC) (this makes them active but doesn't store them)
click Write config (this writes them to EEPROM so they survive a power off!)
remove the XRF module you just configured and plug it into the remote (Arduino) end
install the second XRF locally
configure the local XRF
configure it the same way, but
on the Remote Programming tab
- type the same two character Remote ID (ATRI)
- type the same two characters as Node ID (ATMY)
- click Enable remote programming (ATRP)
connect (XRF - Arduino):
- ground to ground
- 3v3 XRF pin 1 to 3v3
- Tx XRF pin 2 to Arduino Rx pin 0
- Rx XRF pin 3 to Arduino Tx pin 1
- XRF pin 17 - Arduino RESET
that's about it
you can now write sketches and send them to the remote Arduino over XRF the radio link
data goes over Tx/Rx
the pin 16/17 business waggles the reset line at just the right moment