Uploading a Bin file for esp8266?

Hello, I was wondering what would be the best way to upload a bin file for the Esp8266 or Esp32? I was searching for a way In command line within windows. But everything pointing me to the esp flasher tool.


what do you mean by "uploading"?

It is a bin file not a ino sketch. I know from watching a few videos I can Use the esp tools program and upload the new bin file to the esp8266. But I was curious on how I can do it from the command line.


if you compile an ino in verbose mode in the the IDE, you can see all the commands that are used to compile, link and then upload for your platform.

Do I put a check mark in the compilation, upload or both?


both to have all the details

Hello, There is a lot. I'm unsure what to look for And I can not post it in here to much.


If I remember well, the commands are

  • compile all the files
  • link the files
  • print the sizes
  • upload

so look at the last command, it's likely calling a Python3 script, something like upload.py from the tools folder of your esp8266 installation

or you could pre-upload the ESP32 ino sketch found here
and then upload your BIN via the web page ?

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