uploading a bootloader

i have an arduino duemilanove and a atmega328 with arduino bootloader, i was trying to upload a new bootloader using the arduino and mega-isp but i always get

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

Reading | | 0% 0.00savrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: error reading signature data for part "ATMEGA328P", rc=-1
avrdude: error reading signature data, rc=-1

avrdude done. Thank you.

it can't read from the chip.

the atmega 328 is on the breadboard, without any extra devices. only power pins and isp pins are connected.

maybe i need an external clock?
if so, how do i simulate one with the arduino?
what are the default fuse settings?

the chip works right if connected on the arduino, but i want it to be completely stand alone.

You'll need to connect at least a 16MHz resonator or crystal to the chip as well as bypass caps (100nF = .1uF) on the power pins.
Why not just put the chip in the Duemilanove and upload the bootloader to it?

the duemilanove doesn't allow to overwrite the bootloader.
now i'm trying the bitbang method

It's kind of a catch 22, the Arduino standard fuse set-up sets the fuses for using an external crystal/resonator. To change the fuse setting to use the internal 8 mhz oscillator requires a different kind of programmer I believe (high voltage programming?).

Simplest way is to just buy an inexpensive 16mhz 3 terminal resonator or crystal/caps for external standalone operation.


maybe i need an external clock?

Yes, if your chip is a programmed with a standard Arduino bootloader it is "fused" for an external crystal/resonator.

if so, how do i simulate one with the arduino?

I do not think you can do this because the chip expects a crystal/resonator on the XTAL1/XTAL2 pins. Other operating modes would allow this, but again this would require reprogramming fuses first.

what are the default fuse settings?

You will find default fuses settings in the "board.txt" file in the Arduino/Hardware directory.

You should be able however to reprogram fuses with a standard external programmer (e.g. Mega-ISP).