I'm new here and this is my first post. I have been working with the AVR Mega mcu's for a while but i just started with the Arduino.
Since i have a number of Mega168 boards with an ISP header but no pins to connect a cable to program it over USB, my question is if it is possible to load the compiled Arduino code in AVR Studio?
Is the .hex file availible and will it work without the arduino bootloader?
In the applet folder which is in the folder where your project is stored there is a .hex file which is the compiled version of your programm.
This send to the arduino by avrdude.
yes it will be in %TEMP% under some funky serial number looking folder with an extension
if you close out the IDE it will clear the temp folder
what I did in XP which may not be advisable in vista or 7 is open %TEMP%, delete everything and when I hit compile watch for what new folder appeared
I seriously hope they change this in future releases, there is no reason for it, and when you want it, its aggravating (they do it on other systems too) and 2, I am not a big fan of stand alone applications "shotguning" the drive, even though in arduino's IDE, its pretty minimal (ie if boards.txt and theme.txt live happy in the ide folder why cant preferences.txt, and a local sandbox temp folder be there also)