How do I get this code uploaded onto a trinket M0 using the arduino IDE?
Ive been trying for a couple hours now.. I might just give up on life if I cant figure this out.
// This is a sketch for the purpose of running a peristaltic pump to cycle
// cleaning solution through a glass vessel at fluctuating flow rates. When the
// StartStop button is pressed(after the user safely hooks up their rig to
// the cycling tubes), the green LED will begin pulsing slowly to indicate that
// the cycling process is 'on' and the motor will begin to force cleaning solution
// through the tubing into the rig. When the rig fills all the way, the excess
// solution will empty back into the cleaning solution reservior for
// recirculation. If the startStop button is pressed once again at any point
// during the recirculation cycle, the motor will reverse flow in order to empty
// the cleaning solution back into into the cleaning solution reservior as much as
// possible(Depending on rig design, there will be a certain ammount of residual
// cleaning solution left in the rig that the user will need to finally empty back
// into the cleaning solution reservior). If the cycle is able to complete, the green
// LED will rapidly blink until user presses the startStop button to complete
// the cycling program to an end.
//things to do -calculate time it takes to fill about 500ml at motorHI value
// -wire up the trinket MO, the motor controller, the motor, the button&LED, and the shutoff switch
//pin variable names
const int cycleStartStop = 4; // variable used to represent start and stop button input pin
const int greenLED = 3; //variable used to represent the green LED pin
const int emrgnzShutOff = 2; //variable use to represent the emergency shut off pin
const int motorOut1 =0; // variable used to represent motor control output pin 1
const int motorOut2 = 1; // variable used to represent motor control output pin 2
// variables for value storage
const int motorHI = 128; // variable used to store motor high speed PWM value
const int motorLOW = 25; // variable used to store motor low speed PWM value
const int motorOFF = 0; // variable used to store motor shutoff speed PWM value
int motorPWM = 125; // variable used to store motor PWM values during cycles
int motorPWMfade = 5; //variable used to store the motor PWM fade increment number
int greenPWM; // variable to store the PWM value to send to light LED with
int greenLEDfade = 5; //variable used to store the LED PWM fade increment number
int emptyDuration = 500; //variable used to store the value used to change the duration of the stop cycle in the stop loop counter(500cycles of 500ms = 250sec)
//variables that will reset at end of stop cycle, allows program to start again
int cycleShortCount = 0; //variable used to store the end count value when pump hasnt ran longer than the time it takes to empty the rig
int cycleCount = 0; //variable used to store the end count value
int cycleFinish = 0; //variable used to indicate that the stop cycle has completed
int cycleEndIndic = 0; // variable used to indicate if the END cyle is ON or OFF
int cycleStartIndic = 0; // variable used to indicate if the cycle is ON or OFF
//custom function used to call for activating emergency shutoff feature, and will stay called as long as shutoff switch is on
void emrgnzShutOffFunction() {
digitalWrite( motorOut1, motorOFF); //motor1 output turns OFF
digitalWrite( motorOut2, motorOFF); //motor2 output turns OFF
//green LED to blink 3 times quickly, then to stay off for 0.75 seconds
analogWrite( greenLED, 255); //green LED turns ON
delay(200); // delay of 0.2 seconds
analogWrite( greenLED, 0); //green LED turns OFF
delay(100); // delay of 0.1 seconds
analogWrite( greenLED, 255); //green LED turns ON
delay(200); // delay of 0.2 seconds
analogWrite( greenLED, 0); //green LED turns OFF
delay(100); // delay of 0.1 seconds
analogWrite( greenLED, 255); //green LED turns ON
delay(200); // delay of 0.2 seconds
analogWrite( greenLED, 0); //green LED turns OFF
delay(750); // delay of 0.75 seconds
void setup() {
pinMode(cycleStartStop, INPUT); // initialize this pin as an input
pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT); // initialize this pin as an output for LED PWM control
pinMode(motorOut1, OUTPUT); // initialize this pin as an output for motor PWM control
pinMode(motorOut2, OUTPUT); // initialize this pin as an output for motor PWM control
pinMode(emrgnzShutOff, INPUT); // initialize this pin as an input for emergency shutoff control
void loop() {
//when triggered by the shutoff switch, the motors will shut off and the LED will flash three times continuously until
//the shutoff switch is returned to its off position(upright)
if(digitalRead(emrgnzShutOff) == 1 ) {
if(cycleStartStop == 1 && emrgnzShutOff == 0) { //begins or resumes START of cleaning cycle IF button is pressed AND the emergency shutoff is NOT on.
cycleStartIndic = 1;
motorPWM = motorPWM + motorPWMfade; //increment the motorPWM value by the motorPWMfade value
if(motorPWM == motorLOW || motorPWM == motorHI) { //when motor PWM value reachs its HI or LOW limit, the fade value flips
motorPWMfade = -motorPWMfade; //flips the motor PWM fade value from negative to postive and vice versa
digitalWrite(motorOut2, LOW); //turn motorOut2 OFF
analogWrite(motorOut1, motorPWM); //turn motorOut1 ON using the motorPWM value
analogWrite(greenLED, greenPWM); //turn green LED on
greenPWM = greenPWM + greenLEDfade; //increment greenPWM value by green LED fade value
if(greenPWM == 0 || greenPWM == 255) { //when PWM value reaches 255 or 0 the fade value flips
greenLEDfade = -greenLEDfade; //flips the fade value from negative to positive and vice versa
if(cycleStartIndic == 1 && cycleEndIndic == 0) {
for(int cycleStartCount = 0; cycleStartCount <=1000; cycleStartCount++) { //this counter counts up until its limit is reach which triggers the END cycle counter
if(cycleStartCount == 1000 || cycleStartStop == 0) { //when counter reaches its limit OR stop button is pressed, counter resets to zero and
//then cycle start indicator remains on until stop loop resets all values upon completion
cycleEndIndic = 1; //cycle end indicator turns ON to trigger the stop loop further down
cycleCount = cycleStartCount; //cycleCount value is changed to the cycleStartCount value
if(digitalRead(emrgnzShutOff) == 1) { //checks status of emergency shutoff switch
emrgnzShutOffFunction(); //calls the emergency shut off function to shut down motors
delay(500); //999 cycles with 500ms delays adds up to around 500seconds(8.3minutes) of total run time of the start cycle
//begins the END of cleaning cycle when the start and stop Indicators are ON, AND the emergency shutoff is OFF
if(cycleEndIndic == 1 && cycleStartIndic == 1 && emrgnzShutOff == 0) {
digitalWrite(motorOut1, LOW); //turn motorOut1 OFF
analogWrite(motorOut2, motorHI); //turn motorOut2 ON using the motorPWM value
analogWrite(greenLED, 255); //turn green LED on
delay(750); //0.75 second delay
analogWrite(greenLED, 0); //turn green LED off
delay(750); //0.75 second delay
// below line runs if cleaning cycle has just began and there is no need to empty a rig as much because it isnt completely full
//if duration of cycleSTART(loop) is less than emptyDuration value, then duration of cycleEND(loop) is equal to cycleCount value(equal to cycleStartCount)
if(cycleCount <= emptyDuration) {
cycleShortCount = cycleCount;
//increment cycleEndShortCount until it reaches cycleStartCount, then shutoff motors and change cycleFinish value to HIGH
for(int cycleEndShortCount = 0; cycleEndShortCount <= cycleShortCount; cycleEndShortCount++) {
if(cycleEndShortCount == cycleShortCount) {
digitalWrite( motorOut1, motorOFF); //motor1 output turns OFF
digitalWrite( motorOut2, motorOFF); //motor2 output turns OFF
cycleFinish = 1; //turns cycleFinish value to HIGH
// When cleaning cycle is able to reach the end without being stopped by user, the motor runs for the normal ammount of time
for(int cycleEndCount = 0; cycleEndCount <= emptyDuration; cycleEndCount++ ){
//increment cycleEndCount until it reaches emptyDuration value, then shutoff motors and change cycleFinish value to HIGH
for(int cycleEndCount = 0; cycleEndCount <= emptyDuration; cycleEndCount++) {
if(cycleEndCount == emptyDuration) {
digitalWrite( motorOut1, motorOFF); //motor1 output turns OFF
digitalWrite( motorOut2, motorOFF); //motor2 output turns OFF
cycleFinish = 1; //turns cycleFinish value to HIGH
if(digitalRead(emrgnzShutOff) == 1) { //checks status of emergency shutoff switch
emrgnzShutOffFunction(); //calls the emergency shut off function to shut down motors
//after user has pressed the stop button AND the stop cycle has completed, program is ready to reset
if(cycleStartStop == 0 && cycleStartIndic == 1 && cycleEndIndic == 1 && cycleFinish == 1){
cycleStartIndic = 0; //resets cycleStartIndic value to 0
cycleEndIndic = 0; //resets cycleEndIndic value to 0
cycleCount = 0; //resets cycleCount value to 0
cycleFinish = 0; //resets cycleFinish value to 0
cycleShortCount = 0; //resets cycleShortCount value to 0